2017 - What did it mean?

So 2017...

How has it been?

What have you seen?

Where have you been?

I feel now’s a good time to reflect on the last year of travel as this leg of my adventure begins to draw to a close. So much has happened, so fast - a huge whirlwind of movement and faces and cultures and tastes and experiences and learnings and growth and lessons and progression and development that…

If I don’t take a few moments to just reflect on and make a record of everything that happened to lie in store the day I walked out of the door..

The day I set off to explore…

Well that would just be poor.

So firstly…

Where have I been?

So I started in Mexico, went down to Belize, Visited Guatemala then flew to Costa Rica for the sake of ease, Hit Envision there then went straight to Panama, spent over 2 weeks at another unique festival called Tribal Gathering, Then flew to Colombia, Spent a month partying and a month healing… Flew back to Mexico because I loved it so much, Flew to Oregon for the Eclipse Festival, Then headed back to Guatemala and that’s where I’ve been for the past few months.

What have I seen?

I’ve seen with my very eyes that the only way to truly grow is to step outside your comfort zone. I’ve seen connections sparked between souls, reigniting embers of old. I’ve seen that there are friends and family everywhere, no matter who you are, and that your home is where your heart is, no matter where you are.

I’ve seen far.

Far into the reaches of my own complexities. A journey within to discover my true abilities, and learn how to create what I please with ease.

We’ve got so much help you see.

The whole universe is out to help each one of us achieve our goals. I see it and feel it in motion every day.

I’ve seen more and more how it manifests in mysterious and mystical ways.

"Pure Magic"...

I Would Say.

But to list everything I’ve seen, would take all day. I’m writing this for the purpose of creating… a brighter day… by articulating how all these experiences have improved who I am today.

So… How has it been?

Magic? That’s one word. But it’s way beyond that. The sense of aliveness I’ve felt from every card I’ve been dealt and every play I’ve created in each new day that’s created is more than just magic...

I just wanna say Hey Kids -

This beautiful Earth on which each one of us lives, is an endless ocean, a precious gift… and if you take time to explore it you will feel your soul lift.

Often when these strange little coincidences happen in life it can be force of habit to discard it with that old phrase -

"Ohh it’s such a small world isn’t it!’

And people usually nod and agree and you both go back to normal quite casually -

because the truth is you’ve both forgotten to believe..

To Believe In Magic.

No you see…

The world is NOT a small place at all…

It’s absolutely bloody humungous. It’s horrendously huge. The chances of you bumping into an old school friend you haven’t seen for years in a country far from home is nothing to do with the Earth being a small place.

It’s not what we call -

‘A Coincidence’.

It MEANS something. It happened for a reason… and no matter how big or small you think this world is, if you have a reason to need to speak to any particular soul from your past, then you will find yourselves ‘coincidentally’ in the same place, at the same time together so that you may make that exchange… but so often we pretend there’s no deeper meaning to these often seemingly impossible chance encounters.

But when you believe in magic and you cease to buy into coincidences you find yourself in a flow of guidance, intuition, trust, assurance and confidence. When you ensure your underlying intention is to improve yourself, to meet new friends and family and connect tribe members, to better each moment with your words and your actions, and to support yourself in a positive way with the thoughts you choose to play… You’ll be completed supported, in every way.

So I left home with the belief in magic and not danger… in protection not vulnerability.. in divine guidance and support, not being alone and lost.. I believed in synchronicities not coincidences… in lessons not struggles… in teachers not strangers.

I believed.

I made that choice to believe… and because of that... this whole thing has been… Absolutely phenomenal… Beyond astronomical… Incredibly inspiring and now… I’m sat here, writing about it, admiring the whole experience as the gift it’s truly been.

Because it’s not really about what I have seen or where I have been since I left… it’s about the way these things have made changes in me.

It’s about the parts of myself that along the way I’ve discovered, the countless opportunities that I’ve continually uncovered, and all the new family I’ve met - new sisters and brothers.

I didn’t sit down to write a blog post. I sat down to record all of my achievements, learnings, growths, developments and significant experiences so that they and the impact they had on my life will not easily be forgotten. But it turned into this, so maybe I’ll do that another time, because I’m not going to bore you all on a chronicle of all that here… because there’s a lot to say after just this 1 year of freedom and exploration.

But I guess writing this and reading back, the underlying message of it is to grow. It’s a message to myself and a message to this world and to anyone that needs to hear this right now, at the dawn of a new year… All the people out there just like me, that can do with being reminded sometimes.

We have to keep growing. We have to keep going before we find ourselves slowing and slowly lose track of where we’re supposed to be going.

Because we all came here with a purpose. A mission. A vision in mind. We came here to co-create with all our visions combined. But we have to do work to keep those visions in mind.

This world is crazy. It’s easy to get swept up and lost living a life dictated by the expectations of others… trying hard to ignore your true aspirations… choosing not the explore the world that’s awaiting.

That’s where I was at.

At least before I left anyway…

But through leaving home and giving myself the freedom to explore just a tiny part of this vast world and a tiny part of my vast self and an even smaller selection of the vast array of opportunities that are available to us all in life each day…

I feel relieved.

I feel relieved because I know now for sure that nothing truly matters other than continuing to work to realize the things that I’ve come here to achieve. Which is to help us all to become free.. in my own silly, special, unique way.

And I know that no matter where I go, the river of my life will perfectly flow, and I feel totally safe because without doubt I know…

That as I keep on exploring and moving -

I grow.

So. That’s it I guess. This whole journey has been incredible in so many different ways, but every experience I went through all comes back down to personal growth. Every single soul I met had a gift for me… and I tried my best to give my gifts wherever I could. Even at times when I just felt like I couldn’t, but I knew that I should.

I learnt about love and loss… I learnt about lust and it’s cost. I learnt about my own self-imposed limits and the fact that I am limitless. I learnt about feeling uncertain yet staying grounded in knowing. I learnt about seed-sewing and free-flowing. I learnt how my body really wants to move as I began to dance more freely to all sorts of new grooves. I learnt how to shine a torch to bring light to the places I went. I learnt how to truly listen to all the signs and messages that were continually sent.

Because I for one came to brighten up this place, do whatever I can to make you feel safe and put a smile on your face. That could be with the words I say or a loving embrace. Or maybe it’s just in the light I leave behind as I leave each place. Whatever it is, whatever method I choose, I came to realize on this trip that it’s my only option -

To endeavor to do this while I’m here… create a slighter brighter day in which our children can play…

I haven’t got a lot to give..

Just these simple words that I say.

But never-the-less, this is what I say -

Leave your home. Do it. Today. Don’t make any plan just hear what I say.. Just keep walking and get on your way, and see where you happen to end up that day. Because when you change your environment, you change your thought patterns. You open up new possibilities. You create new realities. You bump into other entities… That might just have something you need to see, that could change your whole reality.

Just believe.

Be free. Don’t be tied to a life that doesn’t truly satisfy you. Discover your passions that will truly gratify you. Create something new if your feeling blue. Hone into your heart to ensure your in tune.

It’s never too late, and it’s never too soon.

^^ Me swimming in Lake Atitlan. There’s a huge variety of awesome dogs here in San Marcos, and this guy Charlie is often at the dock, running up and down as people dive in. Just on a few occasions, he’s been excited and brave enough to dive in too… This is us swimming together after one of those times.