Accept and Adapt

Just updating with a recent occurrence. Last night when I returned home, my laptop just died out the blue. I took it to the apple shop today and well.. apart from trying a new power adaptor and some top secret keyboard press combination, there's nothing they could do. It would take until next Wednesday for them to run diagnostics on it and I plan to leave on Tuesday.

I was gutted for a short while. Sad as it may sound, my laptop was to play a key role in my adventure here. The main use was to learn Spanish. Luckily I can access the program on my phone, except it's not quite the same.

However, why go about my day feeling 'gutted' - annoyed, upset, angry, frustrated???

That would be ludicrous. I'm in a beautiful place on the adventure of my life.. it would be a real shame to spend any of my time here voluntarily in a negative state because something hasn't gone to plan.

So first comes acceptance of 'What is'. What you resist, persists, and why resist what already is? That leads to a feeling of helplessness which leads to suffering.. all of which is actually a choice we make.

After acceptance comes adaptation. I'm now figuring out how to utilise the resources I DO have best so that this doesn't knock me back too much in terms of my Spanish tuition.

Unfortunately, although I may be able to adapt and get by with the Spanish, many of the things I was using my laptop for are simply not doable without a computer with a USB port but... going back again...

'Everything happens for a reason'.

Perhaps I will spend more time conversing with native speakers.

Maybe I will go on adventures that I may have missed out on whilst being on my laptop.

Perhaps I will be able to get it fixed at the right time for when I need it most, and up until then I will be more free without it.

I'm not sure what the reason behind it is yet but, I'm sure it will become apparent soon enough.

Though I'm now lugging around a useless laptop. I could buy a new one but it's got a Spanish keyboard and also I don't particularly want to be carrying around a brand new laptop. Plus... the new macbook airs don't even have a USB port!! So for now, I'm restricted to doing everything on my phone. The most important thing is Spanish so I do hope I can make it work.

Needless to say my blog posts are gonna be fewer and further between, as well as shorter and sweeter.

Yesterday I met some amazing new friends, 2 girls from Argentina and 2 guys from France.

We spent all day and night together and despite the language barriers, we had an amazing time snorkeling, eating and dancing to some amazing Salsa music on the beach of Islas Mujeres... it was Hedi's birthday so we all had a lot of fun celebrating that fact too. (pronounced Eddie - absolute legend! One of those guys that can talk to anyone for hours, even if they don't speak the same language!)

So with things getting busier and lack of a laptop, please do not think I've been kidnapped or something if you don't hear anything from me for a while.

Accept and Adapt.

This is a winning formula if you wish to live a life free of suffering.


^^ On the boat home from Islas Mujeres. It was a beautiful day with beautiful people. I learnt a lot about 'La Classe' from Hedi and Antony.. the French really know a lot about style!

Esta Noche? La Fiesta!

Hasta Luego
