Aloha and the Magic of Minca

Wow. What an incredible journey through the Heart of the World so far. I wasn’t too keen on Colombia at first, but I soon fell in love with it here. Without even realizing what happened, I’ve spent almost 2 months in Colombia now… and what a journey of self discovery it’s been! After an extended stay in the beautifully tranquil yet party infested beach town of Taganga, I made my way to the nearby mountain range Sierra Nevada, to a mystical and magical place called Minca. Here is where I found the true gifts that were waiting for me here in Colombia.

So as per usual synchroncities brought me to where I am sitting right now (In a hammock, in a Cabaña, overlooking the beautiful rich, rolling, lushious mountains of Minca).

So one of my best friends that I met right at the beginning of my trip in Tulum, Sam, is supposed to be meeting me in Minca. Our plan is to take a Moto taxi to the top look-out point and hike back down. We’d arranged to meet at 11, but come 11:30 I found myself waiting for her arrival. As it nears midday, there’s the impatient part of that’s trying to flare up. Within a moment I remind myself:

‘It’s all cool. Everything is perfect…

Everything happens for a reason."

With that I sit down at the cafe opposite my hostel to use the WiFi.

“Oh… You were at Tribal Gathering!"

A guy sitting at one of the tables had noticed my festival wristband. Turns out he had been there too, as part organizer and translator. His name was Max and he was from England too. So I sat and we started to chat.

When I ask what he’s up to in Minca, he tells me that he’s a partner in the building of a community up in the mountains….

I continue asking questions.

Turns out the community is an ongoing and evolving permaculture project. They serve 3 meals a day to their guests and all food is vegan and vegetarian. They do meditation and yoga there. They have no Wifi. They are right at the top of the mountains…

and they run plant medicine retreats….

‘Oh wow! That’s very interesting. I’ve been asking the Universe for the perfect place to take a retreat. Somewhere peaceful and calm, where I could nourish my mind, body and soul and be amongst others that are doing the same thing’

In that moment I had a flight booked for 2 days later back to Medellin where I’d planned to go to a work-away… But something about that hadn’t sat right with me from the start. I considered that maybe I’d miss that flight and check this perfect sounding place out.

Deep down I knew that was how the story would go.

Eventually Sam turned up. I thanked Max for the conversation and telling me about his project, and told him I may well be back in a few days time.

Later on that day when Sam and I are on our trek down the mountain, Max passes me on a motorbike. I knew then for sure that this was the place I was meant to be, not Medellin. I gave thanks to the universe for the confirmation and together we enjoyed the rest of our hike and time together that day. It was a full moon and when we got back we danced under the energizing light of the full moon, over-looking a beautiful rocky river, majestically highlighted by the powerful moon, until the early hours of the morning. Overall - It was yet another beautiful and pivotal day in my journey.

Also, by skipping my flight it meant I could go to another festival with my 2 best friends Sam and Karis that was in 2 days time… what we knew would likely be our last chance to party with the 3 of us together.

So, I really got a double blessing that day... all because Sam was late.

Turns out…

She was actually perfectly on time, of course.

So now I’m here, and I’ve been here for 19 days at the point of writing this. Today is the 4th day of the retreat and also the day of the first Ayahuasca ceremony. I’ve already been through so much release and personal transformation thanks to everything that’s also included in this incredible retreat, that I feel so completely blessed and grateful… and the real ceremonies I came for haven’t even taken place yet.

But I wanted to get this account started to give myself a good footing to write about my experiences with the sacred plant medicine. It’s just 5 hours until ceremony starts now, so I’m going to get some rest and meditate on my intentions.

Just Remember -

When things aren’t going to plan…

You are just not yet aware of the real plan that your higher self has.

So find peace and know that -

Everything happens for a reason…



^^ The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes each morning - Each cabana looks out into the majestic Sierra Nevada mountain range - Huge, powerful structures pulsating with rich and diverse lifeforms in such unique appearances. Each night when it got dark all the trees would flash a thousands flashes as the fireflies gathered to add a sublime display of magic into the otherwise dark silhouettes of the junglous mountains that surround the entire location. Aloha Ke Akua is one community that could not have found itself a more captivating and enchanting home on Earth - Just perfect for the personal exploration and development work that is done here by anyone that’s fortunate enough to find themselves there.