Asking for a new Van - You may think you can't get what you want... But You Can!

So here’s another story of synchronicities, of faith, of conscious manifestation, of acceptance and of gratitude.

So during my Ayahuasca retreat, I didn’t have any plans following. I wasn’t sure where I was gonna go next or what I wanted to do. There were, of course, a million and more possibilities open to me. One idea had been suggested by my good friend Michael -

“Hey… why don’t we buy a van and drive back up through Central America, all the way up to Oregon for the eclipse festival?"

Seemed like a cool idea, definitely worth considering. But many questions came up in my mind at first -

How much was it gonna cost me?
How easy is it to find a good van in Costa Rica?
How safe is it?
What’s involved in terms of paperwork and legality?
How does insurance work?

Blah… Blah….. Blah.

All valid questions of course. But, they stopped me from going ‘YES! This is it… this is what I need to do next!!’

However, halfway through my second Ayahuasca ceremony, I got this very clear message.

“Stay with Michael. Travel together. This is most aligned with your mission and ambitions, and what your soul desires".

I told Michael that night that’s what I was now thinking.

So since then, we both set to work with finding the perfect van for us.

But, I know how important it is to do the ENERGY work before you do the PHYSICAL work.

So, before I started looking at vans, I first got clear in my head about what we wanted.

I wanted to find a van, that already was setup for traveling in. I wanted to buy it from honest owners, preferably travelers themselves who would be able to give us advice based on their experience with the vehicle. In this way, the owners would also be happy to be selling it to us, knowing that it’s adventure is going to continue and it would go on providing an awesome mobile home for it’s new owners - Us.

I wanted it to be setup so that we don’t have any legal issues, and have the right paperwork so that it would be easy traveling between borders, and more importantly, traveling into the States from Mexico. I wanted it to cost less than £6000 - As we’d agreed none of us wanted to pay more than £2000 towards it. I wanted it to be in sound conditionally mechanically and not need any major work done to it. I wanted us to have evidence that it was a solid vehicle that had already been used for long journeys like the one we intended to use it for.

I wanted it to be comfortable and easy to drive, and to not be suspicious looking or an obvious candidate for police to want to pull us over. I wanted to know it had been treated well in the past so we could continue that trend.

Hey… I had a lot of requirements but…

You don’t ask… You don’t get.

I know the Universe just loves giving us what we want… but you do have to think about it and ask for what you want.

But more importantly than that, you have to then GIVE THANKS in advance of getting it for receiving what you have asked for.

THIS is the most important part. It not only sends out the vibration of you already having it, but it demonstrates your absolute faith and certainty that the Universe is going to provide it for you.

So I put this in a group text that Michael created with all 3 of us in so that we could all be consciously focusing on exactly what we wanted.

NOW the energy work had been done, we could start doing some work in the physical world to make it happen.

Michael and I were looking each day. There were some good ones on there but nothing perfect. We decided we would go and look around at some second hand card dealers too, to increase our chances of finding the right one. I think deep down we both knew this wouldn’t be the place that we found it but…

YOU HAVE TO BE PROACTIVE to prove that you REALLY WANT what YOU SAY you want. So this is what we were doing.

You can’t just do all this energy work and then sit around on your arse doing bugger all and expect everything to magically fall into your lap…

I mean IT WILL all magically fall into your lap… but only if you get up and take action too…

You have to meet half way.

SO… What happened next?

The night before we were meeting to go and look around the car dealers, I had a surprise visit in my room from Karolina’s uncle Martin (Some of you may remember him before as during my first stay here he gave me this awesome little flute and a clay painted dish from Panama as a gift - Legend!)

He entered my room and said he had a gift for me… A souvenir.


So unexpected.. I didn’t know what it was going to be.

I opened it and it was a novelty license plate that said

‘Costa Rica - PURA VIDA’

AMAZING!!! I fell in love with the national catch phrase Pura Vida when I first came to Costa Rica. Now I had a license plate that we could put on our van.

I smiled and laughed so much and was so thankful… I thought to myself at the time -

‘The is the first step toward our van appearing in the physical world after all that energy work’

The next morning, I wake up to a message from Michael with a link to a new van that just appeared on craigslist that very morning….

I opened the link and just straight away knew…

This is the one

I excitedly told Michael to message them straight away, and he already had.

We continued to meet late that day and Raquel’s brother kindly drove us all around Grecia, the hub for second hand car dealers in Costa Rica.

Several dealers were very interested in our business and we were shown some potential vehicles - none of which really checked any of the boxes we had set out in the first phase of all this.

As we were leaving one place, one of the dealers knocked a huge chunk of money off of one of the asking prices - trying to tempt us into making a purchase today.

As he did.. a HUGE almost deafening crack of thunder sounded - The universe is always talking to us, but that doesn’t mean it uses words.

‘Nah mate…’ it was saying.

Needless to say we didn’t take him up on his kind offer 😛

Anyway, we’d been in contact with the sellers of the van on craigslist throughout the day, and weren’t able to make it work meeting them that day, but arranged to meet them the next day.

I took over for the evening making arrangements and connected with the seller on Facebook. After chatting for a bit with her and making the arrangements of when and where to meet the next day…

Then the more magic happened… She messaged me again shortly after…

“I just saw your Facebook profile, and I am pretty sure that we have met before in Tulum beach in Mexico!!!"

Guess what… she was right! I’d met her and hey boyfriend right at the beginning of my trip, over 4 months ago, in the magical old town of Tulum, Mexico… !!!!!!

Where I was certain before when I first saw their ad, I was now dead sure BEYOND DOUBT that this was gonna be our van!

I thanked God for making it so obvious for me!


I stopped this post there and decided to come back to it now to round it off.

So what happened next was a rollercoaster of ups and downs…

We’d found the perfect van of that we were all certain. However, there was one little problem that was uncovered as we began the process of buying it -

The couple didn’t actually have the original title of the van. The guy they bought it from in Mexico had told them they didn’t need it, and they only had a contract saying they had bought the van.

After over a week of to-ing and fro-ing, back and forth to the lawyers, it eventually transpired that there was no real work around. Without the title, we technically would not be allowed to pass through any borders.

After such an epic journey leading up to this points of ups and downs and round and rounds, when we were so close to finally completing the purchase, it could have been easy to been dragged down by disappointment and upset when it turned out it wasn’t meant to be.

But instead, I knew in the first instant that there was obviously something else important waiting for me.

Obviously the road trip we had planned was no the right path for us.

So I instantly got excited about what could be so important that these plans did not come to pass, despite our very best efforts and intentions.

What other adventure was I supposed to be on?

I didn’t know. All I knew was that I was relieved the finally have an answer and know that the van wasn’t meant for us right now.

Acceptance prevents suffering.

So I decided to go straight to Mexico because I loved it so much there. This way I’d have over 6 weeks to explore this vast country much more before flying out of there to the states for Oregon Eclipse festival…

And it wasn’t long until I discovered why I was supposed to be in Mexico and not on the road to Mexico.

More to come on that in future posts!

For now just remember.

You CAN have whatever you want.

But sometimes what you WANT isn’t really what you NEED.

So if things don’t go to plan then accept it with ease.

And wander why awe and excitement about where you’re really supposed to be.

No need to panic.

Everything is as it should be.


^^ We took this picture the first day we met the owners to see the Van. We were both so happy and certain that this would be our home for the next 2 months as we drove to Oregon. Alas… we weren’t to know at the time that we both had other places we needed to be. But I’m so grateful we couldn’t buy it… Mainly because I’m sure I would have killed us all driving around Mexico City… The drivers are loco here!!! ❤️