Connections in Tulum Part 1 - Heroes and Homicides.

It’s been a while since I’ve written for this. The thing is, Tulum was just too jam-packed with sychronicities from one moment to the next - meeting all the right people in the right moments, deep conversations, leading to revelations and realizations. In each moment I was given the opportunity to give my gifts and graciously received the gifts that these new souls had for me. As a result, I didn’t really have much time to sit down and write. I’m now in Bacalar, by the lagoon, where it’s totally chilled and tranquil, so I sit in contemplation, trying to remember just exactly what went on.

So since meeting Ash after following my intuition in my last post, one of the next guys I met was an English chap named Tom. I had just moved down to the beach the day previous day - a campsite set in a beautiful mini oasis just meters from the sea. The breeze was fierce and invigorating. I slept the first few nights in what I was calling ‘Una tienda de campañas para un medio hombre’ - A tent for half a man… But it was nice, because I had to sleep with the door open and my feet in the sand… a unique experience I’ve not had before. I felt grounded and connected to the Earth as I drifted off and when I woke. Being able to meditate by and then swim in the beautiful ocean each morning was the main selling point of moving down to the beach for me. Even though it was more expensive than the hostel, and a long old ride back to town, it was worth all the effort and extra money.

The day after I moved to the beach I rented a bike to ride back into central Tulum, a good 8km ride. The bike I rented was the last one the guy I had. As it turned out, the back tyre had a slow puncture, which I didn’t realise until I go to return home the next morning, so the ride to town was kinda tough. In town I go to my favorite spots to chill, soak up my surroundings, and do some Spanish tuition on my laptop.

Then… the rain comes down. HARD. It poured it down for around 2 hours. Then it got dark.

‘No way am I riding that thing back down that loooooong path in the wet and dark’ I think to myself (I also had no torch on me that eve as I only planned to go to town for an hour or 2).

So… I begin with manifesting something interesting to do tonight instead.

‘Thank you for bringing me the person with the plan’

Or something along those lines.

Almost an hour goes by, and just as I’ve kinda forgotten about manifesting something good to do… a familiar looking guy walks past me into the bar, and as he walks past, we make eye contact. He winks and I wink back.

For once, I was pretty sure this guy wasn’t trying to hit on me.

A few minutes later he comes back out to the front where I’m sat and introduced himself…

‘You look really familiar but, I think I can just spot an English face’

I agreed… he looked familiar, but the thing was, he actually looked just like my friend from back home Helston (even down to his clothing and mannerisms), and when he spoke… he had the EXACT same voice, and I later found out sense of humour, as my good friend Thom Durrant. So even faster than usual, within minutes I felt like I was with a really good friend I’d known a long time.

Of course, I believe we are all really good friends that we’ve all known a really long time but… that’s a whole other post entirely.

So, not long after we get chatting he invites me to one of the parties happening in Tulum, he happens to have 2 guest list spaces and was looking for someone to take… The party would normally have cost $120 just to get in… then you’re looking at $400 Pesos per bottle of water or beer on the inside (roughly £4), so, not something I would ever have gone to without this incredible offer.

Without question I knew that my manifestation of the perfect person to show me a good time in Tulum that night was complete. We went to his hostel, arranged a taxi to the party with a little stop along the way for some supplies, and got going to the beautiful Cenote in which many of the parties in Tulum take place.

When we get there, Tom’s not on the list. But on the way to the party throughout our conversation, the concept and idea of faith and belief had come up often. It was clear we were on the same wavelength. So when he’s not on the list, neither of us panic, and both have a knowing that we’ll be in before long.

One particularly lovely and helpful staff member checking guest list, combined with one of the scariest looking yet one of the most awesome security guards you’ve ever met, lead to us both having a wristband and clear entry minutes later. This particular security guard had sorted Tom out just days earlier when a similar hiccup had happened… You could just tell he was a legend, but at the same time you wouldn’t wanna fuck with him! I’m sure his ass-kicking skills would have been legendary too.

Whilst waiting the guy I happened to be standing next to was from my new camp and recognized me. Within minutes we got talking about Burning Man, and he told me of a camp called ‘The Caravan of Light’ that were currently in Tulum for a week and were looking for volunteers. This is something else that I am trying to manifest as I’d love to go this year! I’d just missed the camp unfortunately as they were going the next day, but I’ve messaged them so we’ll see. Either way… right place, right time, as always.

The party itself was awesome. The music and light shows on another level. The only artist I’d heard of was Maceo Plex, and still wasn’t really familiar with their music. Because of the fact I knew their name but not their music, and judging by how excited everybody was to see them, I knew I was going to be in for a treat.

We got in and got dancing. After about half an hour, Tom pops over and says:

‘I’m glad to see you’re as loose as me on the dance floor’.

It was a compliment. The dancing continued for quite some time.

Loose was an appropriate term.

The whole night was fantastic music wise, after Maceo Plex an artist named Architectural came on, who were of equally high calibre as the previous act... and we danced together until 7am. I stopped only for a short lie down at about 5am when my body was beginning to tire. The energy was high, the people losing themselves in the moment as the music moved their bodies and entranced their minds, enhancing the connection they feel with the music, the people, and with all of life itself.

The event was supposed to go until midday the next day, but at 7am, they announced that due to a shooting in Playa Del Carmen, out of respect and for the security of everyone, the party was going to end early. The sun had risen, yet others had fallen. It wasn’t until I returned back to Tulum that I realized the severity of it as my phone tweaked out upon reconnecting to Wifi.

On the street I see a man, must have been in his sixties, asleep, half his body on the curb, the top half of his body off the curb, his body twisted and contorted, cooking in the harsh morning heat of the Mexican winter sun. Near him a lady stares…. With an almost curious look in her eye. She continues to stare. I feel hallowed by the image. A part of me tells me to go to a store and buy a bottle of water to leave next to him.

I didn’t…

I still don’t know why. There were so many people around and, not many people apart from this one lady and I seemed to even notice him. I questioned whether he was dead, and if he was, how long would it be before anybody even realised. I thought of how quickly someone in Playa had been to end the lives of others as if they were swatting flies. I remembered the fragility of life and the importance of living each and every moment to it’s fullest, with passion and love firing through every part of your being, for you never know when it will be your last.

I go back to my crap bike this morning and the back tyre is flat, it’s baking hot, my body is slowly breaking down after 8 hours of straight dancing, and there’s no way I’m about to tackle that ride home on that thing, especially on an empty stomach. Plus, my very first friends from Reading who I met outside Cancun airport, Pam and her daughter Olivia, are due to leave today in the afternoon. If I go home now, there’s no way I’m gonna make it back in time to see them, so I decide I must keep myself entertained in Tulum until they’re up and ready to meet. I’d bumped into Olivia the night before whilst we were hunting for a cash point that actually still had cash in it in Tulum… turns out they were on the exact same mission. Anyway, together we eventually found one, and I almost left $2000 pesos in it thinking that like all the others, it had rejected my request to withdraw money. Thankfully, Tom stuck around for a minute or two and saw it pop out! Phew… We then parted ways as we hopped in a taxi to the party, so I don’t know what she got up to next, but I knew she wouldn’t be up early that’s for sure, so I had a good few hours ahead of me to kill.

I eat at a vegan restaurant I’d spotted straight away, and order a plate of fresh fruit with muesli, yoghurt and honey. A few minutes later, a man named Ian and his wife who Tom and I had met at the party show up. Another synchronicity. I finish eating and then go over to say hi, we chat for a good 30 minutes and get the chance to connect on Facebook. We discuss the party, Mexico, the shootings, cartel, and everything else that this unexpected happening brought up.

I go to my old hostel to hang out in a hammock and just chill before meeting Pam and Liv. When they’re ready, we meet for a drink, Sprite was the best I could manage. It was sad to say goodbye. We’d spent a fair amount of time together in Cancun and Tulum. It’s funny because I find you often end up sharing some of the deeper parts of yourself and your experiences with new friends, so they knew a lot about me and also I them. We’d definitely bonded in our time together, and I knew whenever I go back to the UK I’ve got 2 good friends who would welcome a visit from me any time, which is priceless.

At 3pm, we part ways, and I finally feel ready to face the ride home in the afternoon heat. I have to stop at a bike rental store and pay them to pump up my back tyre… by the time I am half way home, the tyre is half flat and my legs are half dead. But I eventually make it home. There, I meet some new friends, Lennard, a German filmmaker here making a documentary, as well as Alejandro, a guy from Mexico City who had come to Playa for the festival, and was spending the rest of his holiday down in Tulum. Weirdly enough, he looked just like my friend James Sweeney, had the same laugh, same mannerisms, and even had the same infamous ‘Fist Pump’ dance move… This was just getting weird now, but I thank the Universe for sending me familiar souls to spend time with. There was an instant connection between us.

I don’t sleep all day. I refresh myself in the sea, eat, and eventually get to bed at a fairly decent hour from what I remember. I drift off, and I wonder what other delights Tulum has in store for me in my remaining time there.

Turns out there’d be many.

I think that’s long enough for part 1 and contains the most important aspects of my experience. I could write pages and pages, giving all the details of all the people I met and places I went, reliving every moment but… not everything is to be shared, it would take me too long, and no one would read it all anyway. I just want to record the key creations, connections, moments and happenings that hold some sort of relevance to people as a whole, not just me as an individual.

There’s more to come, it seemed to get more in sync as it went on. I met more friends that reminded me very much of other friends, and more awesome people that didn’t remind me of anybody, but the memories of which deserve to be preserved in the writings of this blog.

Until then, just keep shining and pushing forward, know there are no limits to what you can create, have faith and trust in the process and get into your flow. Be grateful, every day, for everything you have and everything you wish to create in the future. Ask with certainty and gratitude, knowing that you will receive.

Give Love.
Every Day.
In Every Way.

^^ The view from my new home in the campsite. Morning Meditations. The sea bringing with it healing vibrations.

^^ This is the Cenote where the party was held come 7:30am. Calm and Tranquil, a peaceful contrast to the chaotic rolling thunderstorm of the bass just hours prior.

^^ This was my new mate Tom, an absolute LEGEND. He was from Loughborough but had been traveling around the world for like 6 years or something. He had the same voice as Thom Durrant and looked like Helston, which made me feel at home throughout the night. I knew this wouldn’t be the last time we met.