Don't be afraid to change your mind

It’s easy to be rigid in our choices, decisions and beliefs. We all crave certainty. Often we want to change our mind about something but, we don’t, because of the uncertainty it presents to us.

But changing your mind is important.

Because everything changes. Every day you change in some way. be it minute or massive -

You are changing and evolving and growing.

So sometimes as we change and grow, choices, decisions and beliefs we set up in the past may begin to no longer serve us.

But still we’ll hold on.

I have changed my mind so many times throughout this journey. So often I had something in mind, something I felt fairly certain of, only to completely change my plans soon after.

Being adaptable like this gives you the real flexibility you need to be able to just ‘go with the flow’.

It puts you more in tune with the guidance of the Universe, which is constantly working to help you get to where you want to be.

But when we resist the signs that persist in hope of guiding us onto a new path, we tend to get stuck in repeating patterns and experiences, living the same things over and over.

When this happens -

it’s time to change your mind.

It’s time to create something new, something that serves the person you are today, not the person you thought you were years ago. It’s time to step out of certainty and back into the unknown.

So create something new, step into the unknown, knowing that it’s a place where you are going to grow. With faith and gratitude for what you know is going to be a life-changing experience.

So do it… Change your mind.

That thing you want but have made up so many excuses as to why you can’t have it??


Make it real.

Treat yourself.

You deserve it all.


^^ I’ve used this photo here because these scars signify a time that I changed my mind even when I wanted so much to stick with my original plan. The scars are from Kambo, a medicine that I took during my Ayahuasca retreat. It’s not a particularly nice experience during it, and after being advised we would be offered a second session, I was like ‘No F*cking way my friend!’

But I got several little signs from the Universe after that telling me to do it. So I changed my mind… and I’m so glad I did the second session and felt like I’d completed the process fully by doing it.

This is why there are two lines and not one. Yeah…. I’m ‘ard.
