Forming New Tribes - Tribal Gathering Part 2

At this point I’m on my 6th night at the festival. Surrounded by so many amazing people I suddenly felt it was time to head back and write this.

My opinion of this festival has only improved moment by moment. I’ve been completely overwhelmed with gratitude on so many occasions for the fact I was invited here by the Universe. It would have been hard to turn an invite like this down, but I knew without doubt this was going to be something special, and it really is.

I came knowing next to nothing that was on the lineup for this festival, and I think that’s what’s attracted such an amazing crowd - nobody came specifically for music, everybody is here to learn, and to grow, to connect and to collaborate, and to show love and appreciation to the beautiful, magical tribes that are here together as one. It’s such a crazy energy.. I truly believe there is no better place to be on Earth right now than right here, soaking up what this insane festival has gathered for us to enjoy.

I mean, We even have Captain Jack Sparrow here, (also know as Tony) just to add the icing to the cake, he’s a legend. Embodying the pirate way of life, getting coconuts from trees and smashing through to the core with whatever rock he finds lying nearby.. naked swims and sunbathes.. talking to monkeys and horses, exploring the lands nearby for what booty may be waiting there… the guys an inspiration. (There was an amazing moment where a dog licked his penis when sunbathing on his back naked… he took a few seconds to react so… we think maybe he thought it was our friend as she had just finished giving him a massage ha… it reminded me of the classic scene from the Ali G movie... It was hilarious).

I’ve done 2 poetry workshops at this point and, it’s been such a wonderful experience. Its given me the opportunity to connect with 2 big groups of people and provide a fun, inspiring and creative open space where all are welcome to come and eperience the power of using poetry as a form of release. Whether that be the pure joy of the moment or actually something from your past that is still weighing you down after many years of carrying it around. It’s been so rewarding and fulfilling to hear everybody's feedback and I was surprised at just how much the attendees enjoyed their experience with me, and came to express their gratitude properly some point after. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to grow and expand the tools I have to reach and connect with more people on this Earth… Doing the work of forming new tribes everywhere I go so that my network of incredible people just keeps growing, one day enabling many dots to be connected when their time is right.

Somebody said to me on my travels - In every tribe there needs to be at least 1 member who eventually leaves the tribe for a long time in order to gather wisdom, knowledge, ideas, connections and information from other tribes and areas of the world, one day to return to their tribe to share everything they have amassed on their travels. More and more I feel like this is part of my duty, as well as spreading my words to as many parts of the world as possible. Hosting these workshops has been such an wonderful way to branch out and gather more wisdom from other tribes, as well as sharing mine with theirs. I’m so thankful for the opportunity and can’t wait to create more!

The diversity in music and culture here is a really lovely surprise, as initially, looking at the flyer I made an assumption it was going to be mainly dance music. Luckily every day we’ve been treated to bands from all over the world bringing new sounds and flavors to my ears, rhythms and syncopations that move my body in new ways, a whole world of incredible music.

It’s been really lovely here because when I turned up Karis, my friend I met in Tulum, had already been here for 5 days. She attracts great people to her, and so I met some awesome friends on the first few days. After being to my last few festivals alone, which is an experience I love for sure, it’s been refreshing to have connected with a ‘tribe’ who truly feel like family here. I always meet amazing groups of people but this is one of only a couple of times where the people I connected with straight away I will be happy to enjoy the rest of my time here with them. There’s just so much to be thankful for in this place! Which is really why I’m even writing this... I need to get some of out it!

I still have another week to go here. I have 1 more workshop on Friday or Saturday, which I can’t wait for. I’ve set the intention that from here on in I’m only going to a festival if I am performing or doing a workshop there. I feel like I need to use them as more than just a tool to go and have fun dancing with lovely people. It’s been nice having some sort of task to do and the feelings of fulfillment and elation I have had from the experience are ones that I’d like to experience many more times.

So, in 2 days it ‘transforms’ into more of a dance music festival, and many people will go home as many more turn up. The dark, confusing landscape of tents that become extremely hard to navigate in the dark, even armed with a flashlight, is about to change yet again. I doubt I’ll write again until the end of the festival. So until then, keep expanding your tribe of awesome people… if we all work on that then soon enough so many dots will be connected, we will all be back to being one big tribe again...

Like the good old days

^^ This is a pic from my first workshop. You can see Tony (aka Captain Jack Sparrow) sat centre pic… unfortunately he’s not in his full attire but… even pirates need a morning off every now and then.