Friendships up in Smoke

There’s many things I wish to improve as I go about my travels. Leading up to my departure I tried to begin making some of these changes where I could, one of which was to stop smoking after recently starting again this summer.

One of my underlying belief systems on which I operate my life is ‘Everything happens for a reason’.. and so… I began to question…

What was the reason for me smoking again?? Especially so close to my holiday where I planned to dramatically improve my levels of health.

I got to thinking about the ‘good things’ about smoking. I thought long and hard and… my search was rather fruitless. Then I found ONE thing that could be attributed as a positive to smoking - and that is the people that you inevitably meet when smoking.

So maybe this was it!! Surely this must be why I started smoking again… to lead me to certain people and places on my travels.

Upon arrival at Cancun I experienced my first sense of freedom that is only attainable when traveling alone; no one suggesting where to go, what to do, let’s go over here, let’s take this taxi, let’s do this or that. Nope… I was operating on my own watch, at my own pace, in my own space.

After collecting my bag I went outside the airport and rolled a cigarette. Within minutes of lighting it 2 other fresh arrivals joined me and asked for a lighter.

And just like that, a new friendship was born.

After smoking and chatting they suggested that we share a Taxi into Cancun together, which we did.

We stayed in touch via messenger and after spending a night at a ‘hostel’ without even the most basic of amenities, they are now staying in the same hostel as me, which is fully equipped with a big kitchen, a pool, a roof terrace, and general chilled vibes.

So there we have it… Everything happens for a reason. If I hadn’t of started smoking again, I wouldn’t have made my first 2 friends on my journey… and perhaps they would still be in their bad excuse for a hostel!

Does this mean I’m doomed to smoke forever more because the Universe wants me to find friends?? Thankfully, that is not the case. I know that it will happen at the right time… when it no longer serves me in any way. In the meantime I will continue to improve my health in all other areas, through my diet, exercise, yoga and meditation, and endeavor to keep my cigarette consumption to less than 5 a day, whilst maintaining an ongoing gratitude for the amazing people I am yet to meet through this shitty addiction!

Every cloud does indeed have a silver lining… but sometimes you will have to really look for it if you wish to find it.

Above ^^ - Today we parted ways but not before a nice photo by the pool. Far left is Taylor, a lovely guy from Minnesota who just decided to go traveling only 3 weeks ago! He arrived the day after me and we got chatting as soon as he arrived I don’t think this is the last I’ll see of him as his plan is as loose and open-ended as mine 😀 Following on from that is Pam and her daughter Olivia who are the two lovely first friends I met at the airport through smoking. As always I have made new family here more than friends, although we have only just met, I know they’d be more than willing to help me out if ever I needed it, whilst I’m here or when I get back home! (Pam and Olivia live just down the road from me in Reading! What a ‘coincidence’ ay?? [More on ‘coincidences’ to come in a future post])

Good can always come from the bad, as long as you are open to it <3