'Give Me Movement' - SPOKEN WORD

Give me movement
Give me adventure
Give me ups and downs
Fooling around
Give me new sounds
On new grounds
Give me spontaneity
Give me vibration
Give me excitement
Give me the unknown
One surprise after the next
Give me unbelievable synchronicities
Give me new knowledge
Give me creativity
And inspiration
No more captivity
Or stagnation
Give me momentum
Give me propulsion
Give me dreams to make true
Give me desire to breakthrough
Give me the high I get from flying
Give me growing instead of dying
Give me magic
Give me mountains
Give me fireflies and thunder storms
Give me lightning dancing in the night sky
Give me lessons
Give me trials
Give me love
Give me sunshine and starlight and all of the above
Because I can't go back to just sitting still
I can't go back to the run of the mill
I need variety and the spice of uncertainty
I need to not know where each moment is leading me
Give me 'coincidence'
Give me 'chance encounters'
Give me long over-due reunions
With ancient souls I haven't seen for quite some time
Give me the unexpected
Give me new perspectives
New views
New understandings too
Give me elevation
And evolution
And revelations
And MORE inspiration
And the chance to inspire others
Give me new friends and new lovers
New sisters and
New brothers
Give me exciting treasures to discover
Give me new family as I turn every corner
Give me Teachers
Gurus to learn from
Give me students too
People to talk to and share with
Give me connections from all over the world
Give me new insights and profound realisations
Give me totally unique and unimaginable experiences
Show me places so out of the ordinary
That I'll question if I'm dreaming
Give me the chance to speak on every stage
Connect with every audience
Of every age.
Give me time to reflect and connect
with myself
And with many others
Give me time to explore
Give me everything I need to grow even more
Give me richness, and depth,
in each passing moment
Give me life
in its fullest
and I'll give myself fully in return.