HART FLOE POET - Spoken Word


Hello! Hey there! How's it Hanging? My name’s Hart Floe, and it’s nice to meet you. I Hope by the end you’ll Have the same feeling too. However, Before we start lets get things straight, It’s Hart not Heart, and Floe not Flow, I won’t explain now, we Haven’t got all day, But if you really Have to know, then Hook me up some day, mi amigo. How would I describe myself… HHHHHmmm… Good question Hermano. I’m a Hybrid between a Horse and a Hawk. I’m grounded and Humble, but I can Hunt Horseshit a mile off. I Have really High-quality vision. I Have a Habit of Helping other Humans However I can. Half the time, I’m Having the time of my life just Happily writing rhymes. I’ve been through Hard times, Heartbreak and loss, Hectic and unexpected... Heaps of Hurdles to overcome. We all Have right? Most more than me. Hell some people have been to Hell and back. Well… I’ve overcome the Hurdles that I Hadn’t seen coming, and now I’ve Harvesting the rewards… I’m Handing these gifts to others in the Hope that it may Help… So yes… I feel like I’m Here to Help, and I Help from my Heart. I Healed myself when times were Hard. My Hypothesis is that words are Healers. Honestly, without words I Have no clue what I would do to express the Hurt that we go through. Haunted by the Hidden Hand of suppressed emotions, Hastily sweeping the Heavy ones under the rug.. The Hump is Humongous now… We all need Healing… Our mental Houses need cleaning. My words are Heartfelt and Hold within them the Hurricane that could Hurriedly Harmonise the Hysteria that Hysterically Humms away inside of you.

Absolutely Absurd it is, this Aching Assortment of incessant worries, fears, doubts and Anxieties. My plan is to Abolish the Anguish that results from Allowing toxic emotions to be Absorbed and never released. Helping others to Acknowledge And Accept their Amazing Awesomeness and Appreciate that in All others too. Above All else, I Aspire to Articulate in Alternative ways the smalls steps we can All take to Alter the future we Advance towards. Adapting the thoughts we choose to Align with our true purpose leads to Astronomical Advances in our Abilities to move mountains and Achieve our Aspirations. Aiding others through offering Advice and support, inspiration and Amazement, new found Admiration and Appreciation, just for What Already Is. Although I do Advise that you take me with A pinch of salt… Don’t Assume I’m Always being serious. I think the poetic pieces I’ve got might Astound and Astonish you, Arouse you and Accelerate your Ascension to higher places… but then Again I could be wrong... I could just Aggravate and Annoy you… Although Apparently that hasn’t happened yet, At least not that I Am Aware of. We can Always learn from our Ancestors, Ancient wisdom holds within it all the Answers... Ask Any question And Always Approach with gratitude. Always Assume that you will Achieve Anything you wish to. Always express your Appreciation. It will make you happier.

Recently I Remembered the Reason I’m here. The Realization and Recollection Resonated Rapidly, Rippling through my entire being, Ripping through my entire Reality, Revealing a light that I know I must follow, leading me down the Rabit-hole of certain uncertainty. I build new Relationships and Reunite lost Relatives. I Recognize that we R one. I ask for and Receive the support that I need, because I Reckon we need to Re-think, Rearrange, Rewire… Reboot. We need to Remove all the Ravenous thoughts that Recklessly Rage Repeatedly, Ravaging away at the dreams we’ve made as we stand by, failing to Respond, seemingly unable to Reach out and Reclaim what is Rightfully ours…

Tactfully I arrange words to Teach and to Test. Tears have been shed. Transformations have occurred. Words, when heard, in a particular verse, are like Therapy, helping Tribes To overcome their Trials and Tribulations. Telescopic Technological advances have Transformed the world we live in. Tomorrow I can share The words That find Themselves here with Thousands of people, at the Tap of a button. Theoretically, I could Touch the entire world Through the Thoughts that I’ve Thought To put To paper. I’m so Thankful for the opportunity to Try and Terminate the Timeless struggle That acts as a Toxin, Twisting and Tangling our reality until we’re Totally lost and confused… even Terrified. Television puts us in a Trance, Tales of Terror Trickle into the subconscious, Transforming Thoughts, Tiresome Torment. There’s more To you Than This.

Following intuition, Finding courage to Fight the good Fight with Fists that Fall as Futures are Fabricated in the Factory of my thoughts. Full of Faith, devoid of Fear. Fantasies come to Fruition when you Focus on the Forfeit you'd Face through Failure. I build Foundations with my words that provide Fertile land for Fresh growth of Flourishing Flowers, Fantastic and Fabulous in their very nature. It’s not our Fault we’re Finding this difficult... we were Following the blind. Lead by Fathers that Failed to see the Folly of our ways. Learning to Forgive doesn’t mean you have to learn to Forget. We’re Forever Foraging in the eternal Forest of knowledge, gaining the resources we require in order to Forge a Future where things Feel Fuller. We either Face our rebirth or our Funeral. Free will is Forever… It’s our choice which path we Follow.

Living a life through Love, Levitating above and Lighting a Lamp, projecting it’s Luminous Light that acts as a Lubricant, Lessoning the friction, Loosening the tension. Language shouldn’t be taken Lightly. The Location of each word can be both Liberating or Lethal. Lies can cause scars. I’m Learning to be a Leader, using my scars to propel me way beyond the stars. In my Laboratory I experiment with Language, Leading to Little passages that I have the Luxury of sharing, that have the power to Light the dark.

Open-minded and Occasionally Outrageous. The world is Our Oyster, and I am an Octopus, reaching in every direction to embrace Our universal family with Outstretched arms. I’m an Optimist at the base of it all. I Obsess Over improving Ongoing Operations. I Observe the Obstructions and Obstacles we must Overcome. Only when I have fulfilled my Obligations will I return to where we Originate. The Organic Ocean we swim in is Overly polluted, and Over-populated... but we do have Options. Though currently we’re like the Ostrich with it’s head in the sand - Eventually the reality we hide from will come Oozing through the cracks. Our time to respond is now. Obviously I’m Optimistic, which is why I’m even doing this. One day my Offspring will thank me for this.

Everywhere I go, Everyone I meet, Everything I see, is utterly Essential. It’s part of the Equation that Equals my destiny. Easily Excited by the prospect of our race, united, my goal is to Expand, Evolve and Entertain along the way. Everything happens for a very good reason. You have an Effect on the Entire world around you with Everything that you do. We face an Epic Epidemic of Extreme amnesia. Everybody’s forgotten who they really are. Euphoria lies in remembrance. From the Egyptians to Einstein, Every Experience brings it’s gifts, without Exception. The Eradication caused by Earthquakes paves a path for Evolution, Erecting new structures strengthened by the Enlightenment gained by our past Experiences. Eventually, Everything Erodes, and nobody REALLY knows where that Energy goes… but all of the signs tell me it continues to flow. To and fro. Ebb and flow… Eternally cycling, Ethereal and Extravagant. A constant Energetic Exchange, the Explosion of new stars Echoing through time, as Everything falls so perfectly into line. Look around you. This place is magnificent. Extra-terrestrial, we’re aliens too. We have Eyes and Ears to perceive what Exists around us, the Exotic and chaotic - The Entrancing and Engrossing Eternal moment we know as ‘Life’.

Perfection is another word for ‘Life'. What Phenomenal Professional Pilot could Possibly Provide the Precise Perfect conditions for this life to exist like this, Producing the tools for us to navigate this infinite universe in the Process. How Probable is it that there was no Prior Preparation to the Profound Primary thought of creation that started it all. It’s a Peculiar Puzzle and we are the Pieces… Piecing us together is the basis of my thesis, but Patience is needed so Please… Don’t miss this… the Point of this Poem. It’s Purpose was to me as a Playground is to a child - A Powerful Palace of Potentially infinite Probabilities, A Place to Play in where anyone can Prosper. You don’t need a Psychiatrist or a Psychologist or a doctor. You just need to learn to be young again. Just pretend... A little bit of Pleasant neuro-Programming. Push Past the fears you Put up for Protection all those years ago. Pave Paths on your face for your tears to flow. Permit yourself the Power to let things go. Prioritize time to look in your reflection and say… I Love You. Prophets have said that the Possibilities are endless. You are eternally Pregnant with infinite Potential. My Promise is that I Practice what I Preach, and no... I’m not a Priest... jeez, Perhaps you could just listen to me, Pretty - Please?! I Promise, I can Provide a Potent remedy. I Pray for your Prosperity and Protection. I Pray we go the right way at this approaching intersection. I Pray that Profits won’t over-Power Compassion. I Pray for Peace and I Pray with Passion. I’m Painting a Picture of People in Peace on new Pastures. Now I’m Pursuing new ways of Propelling us there faster.

Often I Object to how Oppressively Our leaders Obscure the truth that we are Obviously all One. But Objection is not enough. We must no longer Obey the rules of the Obscene system that Obstructs us from experiencing Our fullest potential… The potential that we seem to be Oblivious to. Our Optimal society is One of unity and collaboration, not control and Oppression. It’s Our Obligation to re-Order Our systems so that our future Offspring can enjoy their Odyssey, without the Offensive Odor of war and violent Opposition lingering in the atmosphere. We are all Omnipresent and Omnipotent, able to Operate On levels way beyond Our current understandings. Eventually, everything will be Okay.

Everything will be Exceedingly Excellent, not just okay. As long as we all Endeavor to Ensure that we are becoming the best version of ourselves throughout Every day, then Everything will Exponentially Evolve and improve in Every way. Every Eventuality you can Ever Envision for yourself and the Environment is possible. There is only one place we can make a real difference - Within the sanctuaries of our own internal Empires… Yes… We are all Emperors. We all have that Essence within us. It’s Essential to Experiment until we discover the Equation that results in our highest selves Emerging into Existence. Our thoughts have an Effect on Everything as they merge with the Ether, soaring like Eagles into the Eternal. I’m Eager and Excited to assist in Easing the Elevation of human consciousness, the Evolution of life on Earth... Entangling myself in the Exhilaration of Escalation.

There you go. There’s a little bit about me. I Trust That by Tampering and Tinkering with The Things I say, I have potentially Touched your soul in a Transformational way. I can see the Twinkles of the sparkles in your eyes. Though I’m worried you don’t see them Too, I’m worried that you can’t see the Truth. So, That’s is what I’m here To do. To remind you of your Timeless beauty. To guide you to your Tremendous Treasure that will lead you to Thrive that can only be found inside your Temple. I’m here to Turn The Tables, Tempting you To bring your power back To you. You have infinite Talents and skills, gifts That you should give. Can I Trigger you to discover Them? Can I Tease Them out for The world To see? Theoretically, Yes… But only Time will Tell.