Learning to Fly - SPOKEN WORD

Today one of my best friends from back home is leaving all behind to go traveling for a few months. I thought about writing him a quick message to give him some advice and… this is what came out.

Learning to Fly

Be bold.
Get outside your comfort zone.
You may be flying solo,
But you must
know though,
that you are
Never Alone.
Put down your phone.
Don’t stay in one place for too long -
Unless you specifically feel that there’s a special reason that you need to stay for a while.
Try new things.
Create new experiences.
Chat to new people,
about different things!
Go deep.
Get in touch with yourself.
Explore your fears.
Your doubts.
Your desires.
Your wishes.
Your ambitions….
Make sure that wherever you go,
You give your gifts,
And that you continuously work to uncover,
the ones that are yet to be discovered.
Be safe.
Take risks but don’t be stupid.
Be spontaneous too.
Be willing to change your plans,
And make as few plans as possible to begin with,
Because you don’t want them constricting you.
It’s better to make up your way
when you wake up each day.
Allow yourself to Just Be in each moment,
And get into the flow.
Get out of your head.
Put down your phone,
Become comfortable with not knowing
exactly where you’re going.
Make sure you are always growing.
And give…
Always give.
There are always people out there with so much less than you.
Be willing to give just a measly quid or two,
Knowing it means so much more to them,
Than it ever will to you.
Stay true.
Stay true to yourself and true to your heart.
Stay true to your word,
And be willing to start,
You don’t have to be great to start...
But you have to start to be great.
So don’t be afraid to try something new.
Don’t be scared to create.
Knowing at first that you won’t be that good,
But also knowing that you potentially could -
Any Skill.
Any New Talent.
Stumble upon a bright burning passion,
Or bump right into the next love of your life.
Trust me.
There’s surprises around every corner.
It’s just pure magic that awaits you,
On the path that lies ahead of you.
Surprise encounters with familiar old souls,
Pieces coming together to make a greater whole.
You’ll soon realise,
That there’s more to these so called ‘coincidences’
Than meets the eyes.
Sychronicities that are beyond chance,
Or just pure luck...
Imposible to disguise.
Inexplicable by logic or reason,
But these Strange Things That Happen -
Happen For a Reason.
Be grateful.
Be grateful for the privileged life you lead of abundance and luxury.
Be grateful for the opportunity to travel,
To be free.
To traverse great distances,
With complete openness and ease.
To trot the Globe.
To scour the Earth,
Be grateful for everything that you know has worth.
Be grateful.
Be grateful for light,
For fire,
For love,
For all of these elements from below and above,
That make this life possible,
For us to admire and love.
Be grateful.
For Air,
For Earth
For Water too.
Be grateful for planes, and boats, and busses, and hot air balloons!
And the people that drive them.
And the people that designed them.
And of course the people and the machines that actually refined them.
So many minds,
It boggles the mind.
All the people that had to work together for those modes of transport to be.
All the hands that are involved in getting you from A to B.
Oh and of course don’t forget to be thankful for...
Your own two feet.
And remember to be grateful,
For the infinite complexity,
and the divine simplicity,
of it all.
Explore what lies behind each door -
Each door that lies along the ever-stretching corridors
Of infinity and more.
Give Your Gifts -
And Know
that you Grow
with every new soul you lift.
Commit to Never Ending Improvement.
Live Your Life Through Love.
Live your life with Passion,
And Power,
And Purpose.
Be Bright.
Shine your light to illuminate the way.
Bring your torch to illuminate each day.
Draw smiles on each face with every word you say,
Paint your art in every place you stay.
Be bold,
And Brave,
And Courageous,
And Playful,
And Generous,
And Forgiving,
And Fun,
And Understanding,
And Accepting,
And Loving,
And Giving,
And most importantly…
Be you.
And always improve you.
Increase the number of things that you do,
To give the people of this world a better view.
To create a fairer life...
For me and you.
And craft something beautiful,
For us to leave behind...
For the Future,
For the Youth.