Love At First Sight - Hocus Pocus or True Magic?

### True Love in an Instant - An Ancient Myth?

Love at first sight is something that many are unsure if it actually exists. Most would probably tell you it doesn’t. I’m lucky.

*I know that it does.*

I know from my own personal experience. I was lucky enough to find this at a very young age. However, due to teenage insecurities, confusion, and denial, I didn’t consciously recognise or accept it in that first moment… it took a few years to finally realise it… for both of us to finally realize it.

But deep down, the love was felt in that very first moment I laid my eyes upon her.

Even though I’d been lucky enough to experience it, I always believed it was totally rare. Something that only a handful of people will ever experience. But as I grew and I learnt more about the universe and the way this whole thing works, I came to understand intellectually that these types of experiences exist in abundance… but still I was yet to experience it for myself.

Of course… It’s rare in comparison to how many people you meet and DON’T fall in love at first sight. In that context - it’s probably around a 1 in a million… But still -

*There are over 8 billion beautiful people roaming this Earth…*

Even if you only fall in love with *one in a billion,* that’s still 7 people that you may experience this precious phenomenon with of love at first sight in this lifetime. That’s a lot of people to fall in love with, don’t you agree?

But after parting ways from my first ‘love at first sight’ in recent times, I always knew at some point, when the time was right, the same would happen again. After over a year I had recently suddenly felt that it was time and I was ready to meet that next soul mate who I would recognise, without doubt, the very first instant that we found ourselves in the same place.

So when I got this feeling I expressed how I felt in the form of a poem. I called it ‘She’s on her way’, because in that moment I knew the time was nearing, and that this next special soul was indeed already on her way before I’d even called her with this poem.

And of course… I was right.

Roughly a month after writing this poem and putting it out into the universe, sharing it with the world and making my desires known across the cosmos, I get struck again, and experience this spectacular phenomenon for the second time in my life.

> The group came in to the frantic noise of the Mérida salsa bar, and instantly my eyes darted across the dense crowd toward a bright spark amongst the smog. Perhaps it was her brilliant gold shoes but - Really I know it was something less physical than that. It was something so powerful it pulled all my attention out of the current conversation with my friend and locked my whole being onto a familiar soul that seemed to shine white light through the very cells of my body.

> *Intoxicating. Captivating. Entrancing*
*The Magnetism increased and within minutes she was in reach.*

^^ This photo was taken later, but these were she golden shoes she wore the night we met. I knew in an instant that anyone I felt such a magnetism toward who was also cool enough to be wearing gold shoes would prove to be someone special in my life.

### Lightning Can Strike More Than Twice.

It happened in June of 2017, during my second visit to the indescribably magical country of Mexico. On my way to what I thought was my destination, I had to stop in a city called Mérida. Not being a huge fan of cities in general, my initial thought was that I would stay there a night and take the first bus to the jungle in Palenque, where I had planned to get to.

But when I arrived in Mérida, I was instantly charmed -

*The colors.*
*The flavors.*
*The architecture.*
*The music*
*The people…*

Everything about the place seduced me into staying much longer than I had ever thought I would.

### Remembering what Love Looks Like.

I hadn’t really seen what true, passionate, open and abundant love really looked like until I visited this city.

> It permeates every street, every bar, every plaza, every corner.
As the live bands play in every place,
You’ll see old Mexican couples dancing in each others embrace,
With a loving look and joyous smile on their face,
as though they were teens that had just begun their grand romance that very day. The love is very much alive in the air,
and it infuses with everyone and anyone that finds themselves fortunate enough to be there.

And I felt it. I felt it to the point of tears of joy, gratitude and awe that welled in my eyes as I watched them dance, encompassed in love as the music played the sweetest, smoothest sounds.

I fell in love there and then with the culture and people of this most mystical and magical of places.

### Love Is Everywhere.

Although I fell in love WITH Mexico, I had no premonition that I was about to fall in love IN Mexico. But what a pleasant surprise that came to be.

So one night in one of our favorite bars that hosted live bands every single night, I found myself with several new friends in a completely full, buzzing and vibrant garden as the band shared their intoxicating melodies. As many people danced and many people talked, There must have been over 200 people filling their air with vibrant energy in this moment, but as they arrived I noticed a big group of around 12 people enter together and take a table a few meters away from us…

and in seconds my eyes had locked like magnets onto one particular member of the group.


I couldn’t see her properly but just her essence in the air was like honey to me. I could feel something tingling and stood there, seemingly unable to avert my eyes from her physical form. I was encouraged by my friend Maria to go and talk to her, but she had literally just arrived and was talking with her friends. I knew I had to talk to her for sure, but I wouldn’t rush and barge in at the wrong moment.

And then, just a few short moments later, she turned and walked away from her friends, and like magic her path crossed directly with mine.


A simple hello interrupted her journey.

I was a little drunk so my Spanish was on point. We spoke together for around 10 minutes in this first instance, and the conversation flowed fluently between us. The exchange felt electric. It was like when you reconnect with a very good friend you haven’t seen for a long time - The excitement heightens as you both revel in the feeling of reunion, knowing there’s so much to share about what’s been going on since the last time you spoke…

I felt like I was speaking to a very old friend with whom I felt completely comfortable with…

I also knew in this moment, that was the truth of the situation.

Turned out she was a co-editor for a Mexican travel magazine, and was just in Merida for this weekend, and would later be writing about her experiences of it. How funny.. this was my last weekend in Merida too.

##### *Do you still believe in coincidence??*

We exchanged Facebooks and within 10 minutes my friends left. I left too and went to see another friend in a nearby club.

When I returned around an hour later, hoping she would still be there, I saw the table that she and her friends had occupied was now empty.

I called it a night, so elevated by the encounter and general happenings in Merida up until this point.

The next day I messaged her in the afternoon, curious to see what she had planned for her last 2 nights in Merida. I was pleased to get a prompt reply, and it instantly bought a huge smile to my face and a surge of that same electricity through my body. My whole being was excited and elevated. Before long, we’d planned to meet again that night.

We met, and we talked more, still with complete ease and fluidity, despite neither of us being fully competent in speaking the others native tongue. But there was a underlying understanding there that transcended the words we were using.

That night we danced in a busy club. When we got close enough, we kissed, and since that point the connection between us has grown exponentially.

But just because we have fallen in love does that mean we must feel obliged to spend the rest of our lives together and not allow ourselves to feel and express love for others, or feel shamed or guilty if we do?

Of course it doesn’t -

*Our capacity to love is without limits.*

I also do not believe it is within our nature to only feel true love for one person in life. We’ve all spent so long playing around in this beautiful playground together, we’ve had a lot of time to build some very special bonds with so many others over many ages and lifetimes.

It doesn’t make sense, in a world of true infinity, that we would only feel an affinity and connection with just one other person.

But still...

I feel so lucky right now to have met her again. But at the same time I don’t believe in luck. I know it was in fact a co-creation between us both, as is everything we experience with the people that come into our lives during our journeys. We choose it all, consciously or not.

We’d made a great choice together.

### So the tale goes on.

After spending 2 nights together it was time for us both to leave Mérida. After such a short time together, it was surprisingly difficult.

Since then after speaking every day and learning more and more about each other, or rather… ‘catching up’ - *as old friends do* - it became increasingly harder to be apart.

So much so that I decided to fly to her so that I may spend the rest of my time here in Mexico with her… ‘catching up’.

Because it’s been god knows how long since we were last together… one lifetime? Two? Many more? Who knows. Most of us can’t remember what happened last week never mind last life time. All I know is, she is no stranger to me.

^^ Because of this - It wasn’t long before we were *Totally Tangled.*

#### The Tricky Part -

But love has the potential to cause trouble when you’re in my situation. I’m traveling. I have no plan to settle in any one place for more than a month at a time. I have a big journey ahead of me. To fall in love or have someone else fall in love with me could be dangerous if not prepared correctly. But we are so on the same page that it’s unreal.

Love is unlimited and our capacity to love is without boundaries. I may fall in love again tomorrow and experience ‘love at first sight’ once more, but that doesn’t mean that my love for her would lessen.

In fact,

*It would only increase.*

### The Truth.


###### *We have it in abundance.*

Love is the fuel of all life.

Loving *you* doesn’t mean I must *love others any less.*

In fact, doing so increases my capacity to love, for it’s like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

It was weird to feel it so quickly, but it was easy to accept it for what it was - The sparking of an ancient flame that’s burned for eternity.

And it’s the same for my first love and it will be the same for all consequent loves.

They are flames that were born of sparks dating back to the beginning of it all.

> It’s not just the same for me...
This is *true for you too.*

For we all came from the same source, and we’ve all known each other for a very long time.

But we can be so limited by our beliefs about love. Many of us think it will never happen for us. Or we don’t deserve it. Or it only exists in fairy tales… or it’s so rare that you’re more likely to win the lottery than to experience true and lasting love at first sight…

**But beliefs such as these will only ever blind your eyes from seeing that love that’s standing right in front of you**

### You are the one in the driving seat.

Luckily we can change our beliefs. It’s as easy as ejecting a CD from the player and inserting a new one. A song you’d prefer to listen to.

It’s just a choice you have to make.

You have to realise you’re actually quite bored of listening to the same CD, and so choose to change it.

I choose to belief in soul-mates, and past lives, and ancient connections, and unbreakable bonds, and the nature of eternity… and so *my eyes are open to see it.*

If I didn’t believe in any of this, the series of events that lead to the crossing of our paths would never have happened in the way that lead us to be in the same place in that moment… or if it did… I would never have noticed what was always going to be there for me to see, because of my denial of it’s existence.
Lucky for me, I choose to keep my eyes wide open knowing that everything is possible, for life is richer when you can see the magic show before your very eyes.

### Just try *Believing In Love* and see what you start *Receiving In Love.*

So believe in Love. If you can’t believe in Love, come to Mexico and see it with your own eyes. Know that Love is abundant and awaits you around every corner, in every place, all over the world.

Go and experience love in different places, from different people, in different ways.

Go and share the love that you have inside you with those that crave it, with the many that are patiently awaiting your arrival and to feel the warming embrace of your unique loving energy once more.

All parallel paths will eventually wonder. That is the nature of life. We have much to achieve and we can’t always walk our paths hand in hand for they often take different routes. But you may always choose to reconnect and have those paths come back in alignment again so that you may stroll down the path of life hand in hand once more for some time.

So choose that. Know that it’s real and your free will is your own to do with as you choose. Give thanks for that gift, the gift of free will, for it is truly the most remarkable present that was even handed to us.

[*We both got this same tattoo before we parted ways again in Mexico City. All of my tattoos are there as reminders to me - and this will always remind me that love is all around… and the more you give love out to this world, the more will come back to you. Accompanied by an anklet that I had previously had made in Colombia - originally intended as a gift for someone else… but recently I realized this reminder was actually meant for me too. In my eyes - the words ‘Love’ and ‘Freedom’ are interchangeable.*]

### Back to Gratitude

For me - Expressing gratitude is one of the most important and powerful practices in my life…

So to Andrea, I thank you so much for choosing to meet up with me again. I know you do not require thanks and that the joy of each others company is beyond any words I can give to convert my gratitude to something tangible. Thank you for just being you lovely self that I feel so joyous to be reconnected with again.

I know not how long our paths will stay parallel, and it matters not, for when they stray we’ll arrange it so that they will one day meet again.

That’s what friends do right? They ‘catch up’ some point down the line.

I hope that this may bring hope and inspiration to those of you that may have recently parted from a loved one, especially if you were convinced that you’d be together forever…

Just know you have many other lovers out there, just waiting for your reunion in this lifetime.

So don’t get stuck in the past or the future. Come back to this moment and embrace it in it’s fullest.

Give it your all.

Because all that matters is that we seize every moment, are prepared to let go when the time is right, and adhere to the reminders marked on her beautiful body that are there for us and everybody else to remember.

*Carpe Diem.* her tattoo read...

Taste every moment..

Let Go.


^^ All of her body art spoke to me and confirmed an ancient connection.

Here is the Poem that we both believed was the calling of my souls to hers, bringing us together just a few weeks after writing it.

#### She’s On Her Way.

*I can't wait till we meet again -
The next love of my life.
That mate who’s soul intertwines with mine,
I feel it must be almost time.
I'm pretty particular.
Kind of fussy.
There needs to be a spark there that
Combusts so I am
Thrust into outer space,
Every time I see her beautiful face…
Every time I feel her loving embrace.
And I will feel it the second our eyes first meet…
An unmistakable tingle that trails from my head down to my feet.
A trace of ancient memories and precious, treasured connection,
From lives gone by.
That’s the spark that lights the Fire of a Thousand Sun’s...
And then some.
Burning bright.
Desire ignites.
My soul spreads it’s wings and leaps into flight,
And together we’ll soar deep into the night.

Everything she does inspires me,
And amuses me...
She's my perfect muse too you see!
Inspiring me to better things.
She's intelligent,
Yet her head's in the clouds,
Always fun.
Up for adventure.
Supportive and caring...
She pushes me out my comfort zone.
We cause each other to grow in new and exciting ways.
We inspire each other -
Tirelessly admire each other!!
Increasing more…
Day after day.
When I'm near her,
All pistons fire on overdrive,
It makes me feel more than alive,
But makes me feel...
Like I'm the luckiest man on Earth.
Like I've known her since birth...
And way beyond.

I can’t wait to show her everything I’ve been up to,
And hear all of her stories too.
I can’t wait to share the deepest parts of myself,
that I’m saving for her eyes only,
And so look forward to receiving her most guarded treasures too.

She’s on her way...
I know she is.
An angel,
A goddess,
The Mistress of my mind,
The Seductress of my soul,
The Beautiful, Bountiful, Boundless Goddess -
Our parts coming together once again to make a greater Whole.*

> Everything she does inspires me,
And amuses me...
She's my perfect muse too you see!

Within weeks of meeting Andrea she inspired me to write my first poem in Spanish for her. It went like this ->

#### Tú eres como.

*Tú eres como un ángel.*

*Tus zapatos son brillante como las estrellas.*

*Y tus ojos guardar amor incondicional al fondo.*

*Cada cosa tú tocas es elevado.*

*Tú dejar todas las personas inspirado.*

*Tú creas las sonrisas en sus caras.*

*Tú pintas pinturas con tus palabras.*

*Tú traes el sol con tu risa -*

*Contigo yo vuelo libre en la brisa.*

English Translation —>

#### You Are Like.

You are like an angel.

Your shoes are bright like the stars.

And your eyes keep unconditional love within them.

Everything you touch is elevated.

You leave all the people inspired.

You create the smiles on their faces.

You paint paintings with your words.

You bring the sun with your laughter -

With you I fly free in the breeze.

Thank you for reading!

With Love
[Hart Floe](

^^ This was posted and finished 2 weeks after writing the initial bulk. I’ve been in Mexico with Andrea ‘Catching Up’ and truly having such a beautiful reunion together every day since. I’m so grateful for every beautiful gift this life so openly offers to us all. I love you all just as much, and I love myself just as much too. There’s enough love for everyone and we'll still have plenty to share.

It may sound cliche…

*but it’s the Ultimate Truth.*
