Love - The Universal Language that Surpasses All Words.

As I begin to write this I have tears in my eyes… because tomorrow I am leaving my family here in Costa Rica. But this is not the reason that water wells in my eyes. On this day, valentines day, I am surrounded by so much Love that I am totally overwhelmed with emotion. A mix of pure joy, gratitude, love, amazement, surprise, sadness, and I don’t even know what else. I am surrounded by beautiful people with huge hearts and unconditional compassion for me, a stranger from a land far away, who came offering nothing, but graciously accepting the hospitality that was offered to me.

So I met Karolina online through a website called GoCambio back in June of last year. I don’t really have any idea what inspired me to look for someone to stay with in Costa Rica…. Just intuition I guess. But, we quickly became friends over e-mail, and soon after via Facebook. Since then, we’ve been talking regularly over Facebook messenger, always with my plan being to visit them some time in February, before I head to Envision festival here in Costa Rica.

I understood quickly that Karolina was a very kind and friendly person. She began to tell me about her country, her people and her culture. Little did I know the magnitude of kindness I would be met with during my time here, not just from her, but from every person in her family and beyond.

When I arrived in Costa Rica, it turns out I had managed to misinform them about what airport I was landing at, and so Karolina and her younger sister Valeria travelled an extra hour and a half to get to the wrong airport. I felt like such an idiot! Not only that, but due to a new bridge being built in San Jose, it took them both another 2 hours to get back to me… and yet, there was not even a shred of annoyance, bad vibes or resentment when they finally arrived to meet me. Of course, it was an honest mistake, but after sitting in a traffic jam for over an hour on their way back to me, I was amazed that they both still greeted me with huge smiles, making me feel welcome and comforted, regardless of the extra stress and effort they had gone through to get to me.

After meeting we get a taxi and 2 buses back toward her family home. When we leave the bus and we get off in the countryside of Alajuela, there’s a few moments where I suddenly realise I’m well out of my comfort zone… away from the travelers route, travelers, English speakers, supermarkets, laundry stores, and everything else I’d become accustomed to being around…

I then smile.. because outside the comfort zone is the place where most growth and expansion is possible. I give thanks for any challenges I’m about to face and the ways in which that will help all of us to grow through the experiences we share together.

We’re walking along a road, and Karolina jokes that ‘Our house is down there’ - Pointing vaguely behind and beyond what looks to be a steep hill, behind all the houses that line the small road we are walking on.

Turns out.. she wasn’t joking, and to get to her house, you must walk down the side of another house and down about 30 winding steps carved from dirt, before being greeted by 115 stone steps that lead down to her family home.

When we enter, I meet her Mother, Teresa, and her younger brother of 10 years, Andres. I also meet their two cats… Misi and her male kitten of only 6 months, named Sirius. Both such beautiful cats. Sirius is so small and cute and fluffy… I love him! But also quite shy of strangers and cameras!

Now, I expected just to be staying here. I thought I’d be buying my own food, cooking my own meals, washing my own clothes, making my own way around and figuring things out for myself… But no… that was very far from the truth.

In fact, Karolina had lots planned for me during my time here… and Teresa obviously had no intention of me cooking my own meals.

Later that night we eat dinner together, lovingly prepared by Teresa, and not long after, Karolina’s father Jorje arrives home from work. Now… in these first few days it was very difficult for me. My Spanish is getting better… but… in every country, and every part of every country, the people have different accents, different nuances and idioms, different paces and pronunciations and well… It may be the same language but, everything else is different. So, I had and still have difficulty with my comprehension. But, Jorje welcomes me and I feel even more at home now that I have met the whole family.

In the days that follow, we do lots. We explore two of the closest towns, Poas and Grecia. Karolina takes me to meet her best friend, Yesibeth, in her family home. I also meet Yesi’s parents. The whole family are also so hospitable. I find out that Yesi and Karolina are both very skilled when it comes to hand making clothes, and they show me a few examples of things they have made. Yesi’s mum, Mayela, is also very skilled with a sewing machine, and shows me a whole range of hand made bags, all different in materials, shapes, sizes and styles…. I’m very impressed by the talent that they all have. Then Yesi shows us around their farm, built and maintained by her Father, who harvests and sells their produce at the local market. They grow lettuces, peppers, mangos, and much more, and I’m amazed at the organistion of the whole system, and note how delicious everything looks as it’s growing - completely organic and natural. At this point I’m still yet to discover some of the talents held within this network of amazing individuals.

We go for a picnic by a local lagoon. We visit Volcan Poas, which has the second largest crater in the world. This is my first visit to a Volcano… it’s amazing how cold it is up there compared to the hot climate I had become accustomed to at ground level. Luckily, I was warned to dress up warm. I meet Karolina’s boyfriend, Jose Miguel, and together we go to another Volcano a 2.5 hours drive away, and visit an old derelict hospital that’s said to be haunted as thousands of people were taken there during an epidemic and passed away there many years ago. It’s a haunting place with a strange energy, graffiti all over the walls and a very eery feel to it. A unique experience that I would never have had if it not for Karolina thoughtfully planning lots of activities for us to do so that I get the most out of my time here in Costa Rica. Also… Jose Miguel is such a lovely guy… and I expected nothing less, as Karolina is obviously an amazing judge of character that attracts beautiful people into her life ( 😉 ).

I visit Grecia again with Yesi because I want to buy a gift for everyone in the family. I know what I wish to get for Teresa - A lovely candle I had spotted when I visited Grecia the first time. Karolina also told me at that time that her father Jorje really likes wind chimes, and so I know this is what I will get him. For Andres, I know he likes Star Wars, so we look for something Star Wars related. After visiting several shops, Yesi spots a 60 piece Star Wars puzzle amongst lots of other non Star Wars related stuff. Perfect. The whole day flowed perfectly. For Karolina I buy her a new charging cable for her phone, iPhone 4, as she needs it to possibly revive a dead phone, as well as a beautiful watch lined with 'gold' and made with a gorgeous floral fabric for the strap. Finally for Valeria we find a beautiful purse. After, I visit the barbers, and realise how much I enjoy looking sharp. Yeah I’m a hippy, I like to look a bit messy and rough round the edges too… but I looked like that for the past 15 odd years of my life… and there’s something about having a fresh cut, sharp lines and a suave look that I really love too. I also love wearing a well fitted suit… Nothing beats it. So it’s true… Hippies can wear suits and look fresh and smart too 😀

** DISCLAIMER ** I’m not really a ‘hippy’ and don’t agree with labels and stereotypes… but it is a good word and I do feel it represents the concept of unconditional love which is what I use the word for, and this is the 1 underlying rule that I endeavor to live my life by in each passing moment) ** DISCLAIMER **

Afterwards, I go home with Yesi and together we wrap the presents for Karolina and her family. I’m very grateful for her help and for coming with me, so I decide I will choose her a present from the selection that I brought with me from home to give to people I meet along the way. That night, I stay there. Mayela cooks us a lovely dinner. In the morning, I am cooked an absolutely delicious breakfast, again by Yesi’s mum Mayela. My bag has a small rip in one of the pockets, and Yesi tells me she can fix it using her mad crochet skills, so I leave my bag with her and arrange to come back later with Karolina to hang out.

Later on, we do just that. Whilst there, they teach me how to make Empanadas. We make plenty and all eat well. We chill together for some time before heading back. I give Yesi her two gifts as thanks for her help and for fixing my bag.

On the way home, we stop in at Karolina’s uncles house, Martín’s, for a specific reason. The reason being that Jorje is an EXTREMELY talented painter, and several of his original pieces are hung on the walls of their family home. But there’s others, one of which is in Martín’s house. It’s a painting of a famous photo many of you may have seen before, though it’s not one I was familiar with. The painting is just incredible. A piece of art that you really get lost in as the eyes of the subject seem to pierce straight through to your soul… To capture that in a painting takes real skill, and Jorje has managed that perfectly. I’m amazed and taken aback at the beauty of it.

Before leaving, I tell Martín I will be going tomorrow and I am completely surprised as he presents me with one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. It’s a ceramic sculpture / instrument. It’s a flute that also has 4 different animals in it’s carvings. It’s very hard to explain but… there are 4 photos below that show the 4 different animals. When played, it sounds beautiful. He also gifts me a hand crafted and painted small dish from Panama too.. my next destination after Costa Rica. I am so touched. I only met Martín twice, but he specifically got me this flute as a gift… what kindness! I’m lost for words and ask for a hug before I go. It was so unexpected.. it really threw me off and touched me deeply! I decide later on that I have the perfect gift to give back to him… a musical instrument in it’s own right. I will take a photo in the morning and update this then.

When I get back, Teresa is waiting to go to work, but not before feeding me yet another scrumptious dinner. However, I’m kinda overcome with emotion after receiving Martín’s gifts just moments before, so I sneak in to my room to let out a few tears before eating. I really did not expect any of this at all. I know that the Universe always gives me good things. I expect nothing less. But, this far surpassed everything I had expected to get out of coming here. During dinner, I have to hold back more tears from coming as I tuck into yet another delicious meal lovingly prepared by Teresa and I contemplate just how blessed I really am. After I eat dinner, I know that I will end up waiting for Teresa to come home from work later on so that I can give all the family their gifts as this will be the last time we’re all together before I leave tomorrow.

After dinner I sit to write the rest of this post. During it Jorje enquires if I am still studying Spanish, and I explain I am writing a travel blog, a chronicle of my experiences, and at this moment I am writing about my experience in their home with his family. I show him the gift his brother Martín gave me, and then I spend an hour being fascinated as he proceeds to tell me about the history of the instrument, the culture behind it, the history of Costa Rica, and how this country acted as a bridge, a middle / meeting point between the different civilizations of this area - The Incas, Aztecs and Mayas. I only understand at best 20% of the words… but words only make up 7% of all communication, and after a week with the family, my mental blocks of ‘I don’t understand’ have decreased, and I find I am understanding almost everything that he is telling me.

Costa Rica is the cleanest country I have been in so far. There are bins everywhere. You are not allowed to smoke in bars, public parks, restaurants and other public areas. The people here have a true respect for the Earth and for their country. I really get a sense that they have a real understanding of their connection to the planet we live on and the importance of respecting it and acting as guardians and marshals of our Mothering Planet. We continue to speak about Earthquakes, and Volcanoes, as just yesterday one of the active volcanoes a few hours away started erupting. They tell me about how it feels when the Earthquakes happen, which are regular, and some safety precautions they are taught. How their buildings are built with Earthquakes in mind, and how Haiti had not had the same laws of construction in place, which had lead to the chaos and destruction that occurred in the Earthquake there just a few years ago. Karolina shows me some music typical of Costa Rica, the pop music, and another Costa Rican artist that had been the first openly lesbian singer to write songs about loving another woman, and had moved to Spain to continue writing and performing music as this wasn’t widely accepted in Costa Rica at that time. Everything I learn is absolutely fascinating. I marvel at the history of this place, and I feel in awe at everything that I do not know and understand about what has come to pass here in the years gone by. The whole exchange inspires me to learn much more about the history of the various cultures and ancient civilizations that were once rich and had inhabited this area of the Earth before colonization.

Karolina shows me one last painting by her father in their master bedroom, a room I had not been in yet. Like the rest, it’s incredible. Afterwards I speak with Jorje about his paintings, and manage to tell him that he needs to continue painting, at least one new painting per year, because it’s good for his soul. He had stopped painting because its difficult to make a living from it in Costa Rica, considering the amount of time that goes in to each painting, selling it for a price that covers the cost of that time is difficult... and the materials needed are very expensive (around $80 USD per painting for the paints and special paper needed to paint onto). Now he has 3 different jobs that he works in order to earn what they need as a family. But again, I stress the importance to him of continuing to paint, even if it is only once a year. He smiles and nods in agreement, and tells me next time I come there will be a new painting for me to see. Karolina is also an artist, although she won’t really admit it, and her talent lies more in line work (see the photo below). I tell them that they should collaborate - Karolina should draw some lines and Jorje should colour them with paint. They both smile and look at each other. I think they agree it’s a cool idea.

Later on Teresa returns from work, and I announce I have a gift for each of them. They are all touched as they open them one by one, and they assure me I will always be welcome in their house any time in the future. Karolina has the beginnings of tears in her eyes and, like me earlier on whilst eating my dinner, holds them back. I tell them I know that I am always welcome, and that I’m so grateful for that fact, and for all their hospitality and generosity during my stay with them.

OOPS! I almost forget that I want just 1 good photo of us all together, so we re-gather on the sofa and after 4 attempts manage to get a good selfie of us all.

Everyone goes to bed.

It’s now 1:20am and I’m coming to the end of writing this, and I finally get to the important lesson that underlies all of this;

That Love is the Universal language that transcends all barriers, surpasses all language and permeates throughout every being. The fact we speak different languages is completely irrelevant when love flows from our hearts. I always treat everyone I meet like they are family of mine. It doesn’t matter if I have known you 5 seconds or 5 years, I will treat you the same, because I believe we have all known each other forever, for we are all droplets of the same infinite ocean of energy that dates back before this physical existence even came into being.

On this day, Valentines day, the day that is supposed to be dedicated to the celebration of love, away from my home and my friends and family, I am surrounded by more love from apparent ‘strangers’ than I have experienced on any Valentine’s day that has passed before.

For that, I am eternally grateful.

So thank you to Karolina, Teresa, Jorje, Valeria and Andres, for showing me such love and compassion, for inviting me into their home, and taking complete care of me without ANY expectation of ANYTHING in return.

That is the truest expression of Love.
It is given freely without the desire, need or expectation of a reward.

I will never forget the Love that I have received here, and vow to return one day to reunite with my family away from home, La Familia Quesada.


As they say in Costa Rica… Pura Vida!!!

Lots of photos for this post!

^^ It took 4 attempts but finally I managed to capture a selfie of us all together after giving them their gifts and saying goodnight. From left to right: Karolina (Eldest daughter - 21), Teresa (Mother), Valeria (Middle child - 17), Andres (Youngest - 10) and Jorje (Father). Oh and… me of course!! The newest addition to the family :^)

^^ The worlds second largest crater in any volcano! Fully wind-swept… we were lucky to get any visibility as it was a cloudy day but… the wind was so ferocious that the clouds were constantly moving! My heads always in the clouds metaphorically speaking but… today it literally was!

^^ This huge lagoon is also within the Volcano in Poas. Such an incredible place! Being surround by this raw and unique manifestation of Mother Nature was amazing as it was my first trip to a Volcano.

^^ Me giving a dirty old dog some love during our Picnic at the national park and lagoon ‘Parque Bosques de Fraijanes’ - He followed us there for about 20 minutes of our walk to the park and then joined us during our picnic… Until he buggered off with a bigger group of people… Traitor! (PS I Still love you ❤️).

^^ The lagoon at ‘Parque Bosques de Fraijanes’. Muy Hermoso

^^ Just one of thousands of pieces of graffiti in the abandoned haunted hospital Sanatoria. A really eery, haunting yet beautiful place.

^^ Sorry about the poor quality photo but, this is a drawing by Karolina that was on display at her Uncle’s house, Martin. And she tried to tell me she wasn’t an artist!!!

^^ Jorje’s incredible painting of the photo below…. Those eyes!!! This is why I told him he must continue painting!

^^ This is the original photo that he re-created with the oil painting above. Man’s got some next level talent right?!

^^ A pile of my freshly washed and dried clothes. Teresa was such a good mum to me while I was here. 3 or more meals a day, my clothes washed and dried twice, consistent deserts, coffee, fresh juices (mmmm Passion Fruit aka ‘Mayacuya’) … I was totally spoilt! So much love ❤️.

^^ Above - The rest of Jorje’s paintings that are on display in their home. I just wish these crappy photos could do them justice... So much talent! Totally envious as one of my life ambitions is to learn how to paint like a pro!

^^ Yesi made this anklet for me before my very eyes within minutes after we finished wrapping the presents at hers. I’ve never had an anklet before. I love it. It matches my shoes perfectly, and, it will never come off! (By the way have you ever tried to take a selfie of your own ankle? It’s a lot harder than you might think!)

^^ The amazing gift from Martin. A flute and ceramic sculpture of 4 different animals. All I can remember is the Toucan and the Aardvark type thing. As I go around showing this to people I am sure they will enlighten me as to their proper names.

^^ This is a little music box type thing that I’ve had for a few years that I decided to bring with me to give away as a gift… Considering Martin got me an instrument, I think he is the perfect person to gift it to 😃

The second gift from Martín - A beautiful plate from Panama - my next destination after Envision festival and my first taste of the culture of this country.

^^ This is the hand-made bag that Yesi’s amazing mother, Mayela, made for me while we were there making Empanadas today! I noticed she was making something… I never expected she was making something for me! She’s so fast! And the quality is top notch. Such a beautiful, thoughtful gesture. I feel so blessed to have been guided to such giving and generous people with such amazing talents! I wish I had some photos of the hand-made garments that Yesi and Karolina had made too!

^^ This is the combination I chose for Teresa’s present. The star is also crafted from wax but it is not a candle. After many years of buying candles for Harriet’s mum Tricia for Christmas, I know without doubt they make perfect presents for mums 😀.

^^ Now my hernia has pretty much fully healed I started doing a bit of working out again since being here. I have progressed from being able to do just about 20 press-ups to 60 in just over 1 week. It’s been amazing to have some space here to study, workout, to write, to memorize and practice my performance of my poems. I took this pic to remind myself of what can be achieved in a very small space of time. Within another week I am sure to reach 100 press-ups in one sitting. This bloody gorgeous tattoo that my amazing pal Dean did before I went away has gotten so much attention when I’ve been out and about topless, so I wanted to capture another photo of how it’s looking after fully healing and getting some sun exposure. Contrary to my expectations, the sun is actually making it look even nicer to my eyes… Plus check ma fresh cut and beard trim from the barbers yesterday… I’ve never had my beard trimmed and neck shaved with a razor before… Definitely something I will do again! Gotta practice self-love right?? That is also what this photo is about. I love you all and yes… I love me too very much, with all my flaws and imperfections ❤️