No Logic. No Reason. Just Instinct.

It’s 2:10am Mexican time. Having just got back to my hostel. I sit here in complete darkness and press play on the new Bonobo album… An overwhelming sense of peace, joy and complete wellbeing courses through my veins… I feel alive and invigorated after an eventful evening. Tulum is a magical place for sure. Tonight I have a story of intuition, of following the whispers in the wind, and of rapid manifestation.

I’m not going to be back home for a long time. I know that. Since deciding this, I have put my intention out to the world to provide me with an abundance of opportunities to make money. I do this at home too of course, so there’s nothing new here… But, as I want to be here some time, I’m keeping that in my focus at all times, and every day new ideas and opportunities arise.

A few people have already spoken to me about one particular line of work that interests me. It’s a seasonal job, very easy, no qualifications required, and the pay is unheard of for this kind of work. As a temporary gig, it really sounds like an ideal job, so I gave thanks as soon as it was brought to my attention.

It’s been mentioned to me twice before this evening since being here in México, and both times I enquired as to how one would go about getting a job. Both times I was told ‘You need to have a contact who can get you the job.’

Sounds good. So… I gave thanks in advance to the Universe for leading me to such a contact during my travels.

So, I’m out this evening. First I meet my two American friends that I met in Playa Del Carmen. We head to the busiest street in Tulum with the best vibes and best people, a hotspot for chit chat, live music and straight up good vibes. When it’s time for them to go home, I agree…

‘I should probably head back too. Get some rest’.

But as we say our goodbyes and I start heading towards my hostel, I get this strong urge to head back to the busy street alone. I feel that something is waiting for me there. But I keep heading toward my hostel.

When I get back, I realise the kitchen is locked, meaning I have no water. So I head back out to buy a bottle, and decide that obviously this is my chance to follow through on my intuition and see what awaits me on the packed out bohemian-esque side street which has become a go-to spot at night time since I’ve been here in Tulum.

Earlier I’d visited an art exhibition on the same street with my friends from Playa, Carly and Lauren, but, I wanted to go back, alone, to really let myself be immersed in some of the incredible pieces on display there.

Whilst deep in the juju staring into one of the first pieces of art, I get tapped on the shoulder…

‘Hey, is that a Shambala t-shirt man?’

- ‘Yeah bro! Shambala in the UK though, not the one in Canada’ (somebody had previously stopped and asked just hours earlier, assuming it was the Canadian festival of similar name, only spelt with 2 H’s [Shambhala].)

‘Ah yes man I love it, Shambala is my favorite festival in the UK!’

- ‘YES! Me too bro, It’s the best festival in the UK for sure for me!’
‘You look weirdly familiar man, I’m sure I’ve met you before…'

The feeling was mutual.

We continued to talk and when we went to connect on Facebook, I has a sneaky suspicion we were already friends.

We were.

We looked at the mutual friends… and one of the first I see is the one and only Mr. Louis Husdon… and straight away it clicked!

I remembered that we had met earlier this year at Boomtown festival, I was rolling about with Louis and we ran into him during one of his shifts, he was riding about on a bike, and had been one of the first witnesses of the aftermath of the epic and unforgettable multiple car fire at Boomtown festival this year (Over ONE THOUSAND CARS DON’T YOU KNOW!!! 😉 )

Boom. The memory was uncovered and the obvious connection came back to us… Needless to say many smiles, high fives and fist pumps followed.

So, within minutes, he’s talking about what he’s been up to since then, and who’d have thought it… turns out he’s been involved in the line of work I’ve previously mentioned.

So I ask the same question..

‘How does one get into that line of work?’

‘Well, I’ve got a mate who linked me up, and now I’ve made some really good contacts over there. You should come out next year... I can hook you up with a job!’

Just like that, within 2 days of sending out the intention, and by staying in tune with the whispers on the wind, I have manifested a job that I wanted.

If I hadn’t of been standing in that side road, in that Shambala t-shirt, for no real specific reason other than the fact that I felt called to do so, it wouldn’t have happened.

Turns out he is also taking a similar route down to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala as I am, so when I get there, we will meet up there again too and I’m sure have other gifts for one another.

My god I love this incredible experience we call life.

I leave feeling so pumped and invigorated, calling my gratitude out loud to this spectacular phenomenon that is infinite consciousness.

So what’s the lesson here?

NEVER…. EVER deny those illogical, irrational and seemingly ‘nonsensical’ instincts, those feelings that we try to block out because it doesn't seem to fit in with what seems ‘right’.

This is what we call Intuition. It’s a muscle that we all have, but is weak, because we have never flexed it…

Alas, we were never even taught it was there, and so, it lays dormant in most of us, frail and underdeveloped.

But the more you flex that muscle, the more you build it up by trusting in it and following it’s impulses, the stronger it becomes, and the greater your ability becomes to be totally at one with the ebb and flow of this beautiful Universe.

So start working out today. Start building up your strength in this area.

Luckily with intuition, your gym is simply the world around you. You don’t have to go anywhere, pay anyone, or bust your ass for hours on end to improve the power of this muscle. You can work at it all day, every day, with minimum effort. Yet out of all the multitude of muscles that we possess, this is perhaps the most important one for us to begin developing TODAY!

Next time you hear that chance whisper of a passerby that catches your attention, or get a random idea to call that friend you haven’t spoken to for years and have no real reason to, or hear a lyric of a song that rings true in your ear and pulls you in a new direction… Do not ignore it.

This is the voice of the Universe communicating directly to you...

Not only is it simply rude not to listen… but you are also missing out on something important, and denying yourself of an opportunity that was handpicked especially for you….

If God has got something to tell you… Trust me….

It’s worth listening.


With Light and Love always.
In All Ways.

PS It’s now 3:05am Mexican time… and I must say… as expected, I am loving Bonobo’s new album 😃
3 Bonobo tracks and a load of other beautiful music was played in the last bar I was in, reminding me I had this gift to come back to tonight. The people of Mexico seem to have very good taste in music! I love it here 😃


PS - For anyone that read this far, follow the spotify playlist ‘Radio Lobo De Mar’ - An epic playlist that was the theme of my last hostel in Playa. Particularly check out ‘If You Leave Tonight ft. Lazarusman’ by Cosmic Cowboys. Beautifully woven spoken word.