Robbery, Romance and Conversations with the Stars - Lago de Atítlan Part 2

We gather our things and head out to a tunnel that you first walk through after arriving at the dock in San Marcos. It has beautiful street art, each mural with a different power word - Unification, Love, Gratitude, Peace… seems like the perfect place to start.

We drop our bags down next to a pretty haggard looking old dude who is slowly feeding on the last remains of an unidentifiable mashed fruit from the palm of his hand. We spend about 5-10 minutes filming, and then a young Guatemalan lady runs up and points out my bag has gone and repeats the word Arriba! Meaning he’s gone up the street. So I ran up and after about 100 meters the old man was just casually walking down the tiny street with my bag on. I didn’t have anything majorly valuable in there, I would have mainly been gutted to lose the bag itself. I grabbed it back off him, said I forgave him as he was saying sorry, and ran back to Michael, very pleased not to have lost the bag…

Just a little gentle reminder from the universe - Don’t leave your shit lying about on the streets, because someone who needs it more than you will take it. If I had of lost it, this is what my thoughts on it would be. I can always get a new bag and replace any lost belongings, it’s not a big deal, just an inconvenience. If someone is desperate enough to steal, they obviously aren’t experiencing the same luxuries that I do in life. However, right now at the beginning of my journey I am obviously much happier with the result of me getting it back 😃 I give thanks and note not to be so unconscious again.

The previous night there was an amazing pair of DJs playing, with part of the show consisting of one of them paying trumpet along to the beats. After about 6 hours of epic dancing with so many beautiful people really letting loose, they finished on one of my favorite Fat Freddy’s tunes of all time ‘The Nod’… which just topped it off so perfectly for me. Here, I just feel constantly ecstatic here, alone, surrounded by music and dance and flowing bodies everywhere… It does something to my soul that just fills me with so much loving and joyous energy, my body vibrates with pure gratitude every time… I love it. For some time recently I think I’d been trying to deny that part of myself, thinking it was necessary in order for things to change. No… in fact the reverse is true. The more I dance the more magic I experience. So I know now… I will never stop dancing.

The next day is productive in many ways. I’ve been making a Spanish revision game for a good few hours so I continued that little project, which is a fun way to learn Spanish with the many other travelers you meet who are also learning. I find out there is an interesting act playing later, who turned out to be amazing. A psychedelic rainbow wizard of a man, laying down some really poetic ethno-world fusion dub and breaks… very fun to dance to and the whole crowd is electric… Plus his whole attire, energy and involvement in the moment was enough to keep me entertained without the great music. The dance floor - full of very awesome dancers letting their bodies flow loosely and wildly completes the enchantment of the present, all connecting in that instance through the medium of rhythm and movement. It’s such a beautiful thing to be immersed in.

There’s hoopers outside spinning fire which draws me out, and I play with a hula hoop for the first time in a long time… Something I didn’t realise how much I’d missed. I spend time practicing the newest poem I have memorized now, but am yet to master the performance of, out by the waters edge. I later meet a group of girls on the way home who thought I was ‘Doing business with the lake’.. I guess it was something like that.

I go for dinner with Michael that evening before the party… and I have a BAKED AVOCADO… What the hell?! Is it just me or has everyone else also never had a baked and stuffed avocado before? I hadn’t even considered the idea myself, and certainly never seen it offered anywhere before.

My god…

It was incredible… We waited almost an hour for the food because it was all prepared fresh… and no one is ever in a rush around here, which is wonderful… but it was so worth it. Such a cheap easy meal to make at home too… Fully blessed to be given that gift… I’m sure I'm not the only one that’s inspired by the possibilities with that dish if you’ve never had the pleasure of it before.

When we get back, I introduce my new friend to one of my other old friends, a wise and profound teacher and healer. I meet a friend from the night before, Adá, a Parisian girl with amazing dance moves and a playful and fun energy that results in lots of dancing and good times. After the aforementioned party with the rainbow wizard, it started to die down. Adá suggests we check out the party at the hostel next door as the music goes on until later, so we do just that. Too much awesomeness there to write about everything that happened. Though I did get wind of a secret hot tub at about 4 in the morning, and when I found it 5 of us excitedly jumped in without question.

God I love hot tubs….

Praise the Lawwwd for hot tubs.

After, we all chill by the fire down on the waterfront. There’s a perfectly clear sky over the lake, and the stars are dancing as my friends and I enjoy soaking up everything that each rich moment has to offer in this paradise. My friend walks to the waters edge, and looks to be having an incredibly invigorating conversation with with the healer I introduced him too… This is one person in particular I always love introducing new people too, and tonight is no exception.

Thankfully, Adá is staying in San Pedro, and has nowhere to stay, and I just got myself a private double room that day so.. she had somewhere to stay. One of our 6 basic human needs is that for Love / Connection… It’d been around 2 months since I’d had a good chill with someone I’d really connected with.. and after having that every day for over 10 years… 2 months feels like a long time. We’d both felt the same thing the moment we first made eye contact on the dance floor the night previously…

That mysterious pull you feel toward apparent strangers.
Always let that magnetism guide you.

The next morning I go to San Pedro with her as she needs to go home, and she knows the town so offers to give me the grand tour. We find the watch store and get the batteries we need for the microphone. She shows me some of the cool hang outs in San Pedro. Where she’s staying is amazing and only £1.50 per night for her room. I really need to take a leaf out of these books that read differently to mine, because my money could last much longer if I changed my ways a bit. But also my mindset on money is that of abundance not scarcity, I know I have infinite access to all I need and more, and because of that I’m gifted new opportunities to bring it in to my life all the time so, It’s not something I worry about.

So tomorrow, we’re all set to finish shooting the rest of the video. Michael is new to film making but I’ve no doubt he’s going to make something very cool out of it. He’s also very busy with his video blog, website, several other filming projects and the constant interruptions and distractions that come with the traveling game, so I’m not expecting to see any results for several months. I’m just pleased to have had the opportunity to get behind the camera again and share myself with the world.

The liquid flow of every moment in this lake is truly astounding. Every one that recommended I come here echoed the same advice - ‘Get yourself a ticket out of there… or you may never leave’.

Though I’d be more than happy to stay, in 3 days I fly to Costa Rica to begin the next leg of my journey - Staying with Karolina, a friend I met through a website called GoCambio, who I’m so excited to meet. I’ll be staying with her in her family home so it’s going to be a really great opportunity to practice my Spanish daily and to learn all about the Costa Rican culture and people.

Then I head to Envision festival on the Pacific coast, a week of yoga and bass, followed by an 18 day festival in Panama called Tribal Gathering. Needless to say I have some life changing experiences ahead… so as magic as this place has been… I know the best is yet to come.


^^ The view from one of the hangout spots we went to in San Pedro. I really wish photos could do it justice but… I guess you should just come and experience it for yourself if you haven’t already 😉

^^ Beautiful street art all over the place here. The colours and ideas depicted in this one particularly called to me. One day I want to paint something as epic as that. To me this represented the richness of nature, the diversity of the world, the power we have to enhance the growth of other living beings through love and connection, and the roots and connection we have with our Mother Earth.