Soul Connections

I look at the clock and it's 23:23, so I know it’s time to write this now… You know how sometimes you meet people, and within moments, you feel completely comfortable, at ease, present and grounded in their presence. Although you’ve just met, you know there’s something else there. Their physical appearance may not look familiar to you but... it's their energy, and the way you feel when you’re around them, that’s nostalgic, and reminds you of something or someone you haven’t seen for a long time, but you used to go… way back.

We’ve all had it. It’s a beautiful thing. For me, I believe that we have all lived countless lives previously and will live countless more, and I also believe everything is a choice. We warm to some people and not so much to others. Some people just make us feel alive, they teach us, they feed us energy, they enliven and enlighten us and we appear to give the same gift to them. So, if we do all live multiple lives and are granted the freedom to choose with whom we spend our time with, it would only be natural for us to ‘meet up’ in our next lifetime so that we can ‘hang out’ again in this beautiful place we call life.

The way you really know that there’s something there, is if you miss them when they’re gone. It’s not like it stops you living your life, or growing, exploring, having fun and flourishing but… you just miss them. You miss having their energy around.

Fortunately, we live in a world of abundance, and infinity, so we’ve all made a lot of connections along the way on our cosmic journeys through all these lifetimes past, and it’s never long before you ‘bump into' an old friend again, and you get that same feeling of reunion with someone you love dearly, but haven’t seen for an awfully long time… and we’re not talking a few years… we’re talking an entire lifetime or more.

So that’s why I think you get these feelings with some people more than others. Because they’re an old friend, from times gone by, that you’ve spend much more time with than the other souls you meet.

This makes all my interactions feel more magical. It makes me cherish even more so the connections I make with people. I do give thanks every day for all the beautiful souls I’ve been given the gift of reconnecting with in this lifetime. I love all my friends and family so much, and in my heart I know we’ve been together before in the past… and as I reunite with new ones as the days fly by, I feel my capacity to love expanding and I realize that… that too is infinite.

I’m literally shaking with gratitude in this moment thinking about how blessed I am that I have had this feeling so many times before throughout my life, in my family and my friends… I LOVE YOU ALL! So this post is dedicated to everybody I know and love. However, I was originally inspired to write this after really missing Karis, Sam and Suki, during the day earlier today… some legends I met during my time in Tulum. I mean I met a lot of really amazingly cool, awesome people that I really clicked with there, it’s a magical place for sure, and I think I am actually missing EVERYONE I met during that wonderful time... but something felt different with these guys. I’m in this beautiful place in the middle of the jungle by this insane river literally in fucking Utopia right now, but I still really missed being with them today, and wished I was sharing the experience of this wonderful place with them. It’s like their old pals I haven’t seen in ages and I wanna catch up with them more. I’ve never been traveling and moving around before, I’ve always had a solid base, so everytime I’ve met people like this throughout life, they’ve then become part of my life. Now I’m away from all those wonderful people back at home and am physically separated from them, it was really nice to meet people on my journey that felt as familiar as they did. But why did they feel more familiar than others? It’s a good question to ask, and so I had the thought to write about something that I’ve believed to be true for a long time - that some people we have chosen to spend multiple lifetimes with, not only because we enjoy each others company so much, but we have brought gifts to exchange with one another and particularly enjoy dancing together through this miraculous playground in which we live.

So in theory, if everything is infinite, everybody you ever meet EVER, you will have met many times before, and they will have brought another gift for you in this lifetime, and you for them, which is the reason you needed to meet up, and ‘coincidentally’ your paths have crossed some how which enabled that to happen.

So always be willing to receive whatever gift each person has for you in each moment. Be open to receive it. Know that they carry one or you may miss it… And know that you too have a gift for them… make sure that you give it to them.

Be present with them, give them your fullest love and attention and really be with them in the moments that you are together… Don’t hold anything back… Don’t be afraid to express your love in this very moment... For you never know how long it will be before you see them again…

But one things for sure…
You will see them again.
So don’t be Sad.
Be Glad.
The best is yet to come.
