Spoken Word - 'Faith'

I wrote this on my bus journey today from Utopia in Samuc Champey to Panajachel - What was advertised as a 8.5 hour bus ride took a total of 14 hours.. but I don’t mind. It gives me time to write, to recite, to listen, to learn, to absorb. I was listening for the second time to a 3 hour audio book called ‘The Road To Riches’ - It’s a distillation of the 13 key principles that were written in the classic book ‘Think & Grow Rich’ by the great Napoleon Hill… honestly, this guy killed it with this book written so many years ago… and this audio book has inputs on each key idea from some of the worlds top thinkers on mindset and success, like John Assaraf, Jack Canfield and many other legends…

I’ve never read the book but one day I will, however I am familiar with the main ideas in it. One of these keys to success is the concept of ‘Applied Faith’ and how important it is not only to have faith that you can achieve anything you want, but to apply that faith and act in line with it… and so… I wrote this piece about Faith, and it’s the first time in a few months that I’ve written something that I intend to memorize for performance on stage.

This truth has been written a thousand times by a thousand different messengers… I’m just adding to that, it’s not a new idea - Merely an important truth reiterated in a new way through a different vessel.

It came out with ease, so I know it’s an important message that the Universe wants me to share (I prefer to use the word God but… I know most people now days have a much easier time relating to ‘The Universe’ or ‘Jah!’… it’s all the same thing - Y’all that know me know I’m not religious in any way).

After finally making it to Lake Atítlan after several hiccups on the road, I realised why it was such a relevant time for me to be writing about this.

So here it is. This is the first time I’ve shared a poem that I plan to perform, but seeing as I won’t be performing it to any of you lot any time soon, I hope you find something of value in the words written here.


Faith is one of those things that you can't see.
You'll only ever see the consequences if you're willing to believe.
They say if you can conceive it, you can achieve it.
But if you don't really believe it, then you'll never actually receive it.
There's a few types out there.
Most of us have gotten to the stage where we at least say we have faith, we tell the world around us that we believe we will receive what we set out to achieve but...
Don't be deceived.
Because on the inside, a very different drama plays out.
One where the main characters are fear, disbelief and self-doubt,
For years there's been many who have tried to figure it out,
Studying the science of belief,
Looking for that golden elixir of relief
That would cure all the grief
And ensure that the net will appear when we leap.
But the thing about faith is -
You have to leap first.
You have to just trust
In the universe cause..
There's no reverse.
Once you jump that is it
To your flight you commit,
You will free fall a while,
So do it in style,
And be sure to Enjoy... every... second...
Beginning to spiral
To your fate you are beckoned,
So long in denial,
But why do you reckon?
I'd like to find out.
I'd like to find out.
Faith that you are always precisely where you need to be.
Faith that you can attract everything that you need be free.
Faith not in God,
but that God is in you.
Faith that those notions you had are all true.
Faith not in your mere survival, but in your abundant prosperity.
Faith in the power you have to create your own reality.
Faith in your abilities and your capacity to learn and grow,
Faith with true solidity, as sure as rain will freeze to snow.
As sure as the sun will rise in the east,
As sure as the bread that won't rise without yeast,
As sure that the butterfly was once a flightless beast,
As sure as each breath you take will need to be released.
If we can find that same faith, in ourselves and in the Universe,
If you can see the truth that I'm spitting in this looney verse,
That without faith,
You'll never fly,
You may stay safe,
But you'll live a lie,
Because you have to deny
All the dreams that you've dreamt,
Pretend to be blind
To all the signs that are sent.
The pointers you see that are trying to guide you,
The inner truth that resides right inside you.
The knowledge that you're an almighty creator,
The confidence that you can always be greater,
Ignore all the haters
Just leave them for now,
When you reach the top you can show them all how,
But if you never stop,
You'll just keep on going.
The seeds that you sew will just keep on growing
And the garden you tender that was once full of weeds,
Will suddenly sprout all the roots, shoots and leaves
That will flower and blossom if you just believe...
It really can move mountains if you know that it can.
But without it good luck if you just use your hands.
Because the mountain won't budge,
No matter how hard you try.
Your faith can be judged by just
How high you fly.
And the skies not limit,
No that's just the start,
But your wings only spread
When there's faith in your heart.
Have unwavering faith.. in all that you do.
And know that all of your dreams will come true
and in all your endeavours the world will support you…
no longer of one of the masses
you'll be one of the few so...
Just have faith.

To paraphrase the great Henry Ford - “Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t - You’re right"