SOULMATES - Spoken Word

I was lucky enough to be able to host a poetry workshop at the retreat I just took part in. In one exercise we write a word or a name, and then use each letter to form a poem focused on using alliteration by gathering as many words for each letter as possible. I’ve reunited with so many old souls on this trip - good friends from times gone by that I haven’t seen for at least a whole life time, so I chose that word as the basis for this exercise. This is what came out.


Soulmates - That Small Selection of especially Significant and Spectacular Shining Stars that Stick out a mile away.

Obviously it’s not the first time that you’ve met these Other souls. The Only Option is that you’re friendship has spanned Over many lifetimes.

United again, the connection you share is Utterly Unique, Unusual and rare - Like a Unicorn. Undeniable and Unbounded in it’s power, and it’s importance easily Understood.

Ludicrously Lucky that your paths just so happened to Lie crossed again in this Lifetime too. The Love you share is on another Level - Luminous and Luscious, Illuminating new paths that Lie ahead of you.

Marvelous how such a Miraculous chain of so Many Magical events Mystically Managed to Manifest so that you May meet again. A Miracle in the Making.

Acute Awareness of the Amazing, Awe-inspiring Awesomeness of the inner Architecture of this Astounding existence. Souls Always Align at the Absolute perfect time.

Time-less and Transcendent of space and Time, the Tight bond of soulmates may part here and there, but Time and Time again will re-unite in a Totally Tantalizing and Transformational way.

Expect Euphoria and Ecstasy to be Experienced as together you Evolve into higher states of Existence. Energising Each other to Election and Elevation.

Safe and Secure in the knowledge that these Spectacular Sparkling Stars of your Souls will Sure to be Shining Simultaneously together, forever and more.

^^ I witnessed this phenomena that I’d never seen before at midday in Taganga - pretty cool, I just wish my camera could have fit the whole circlet of rainbow in! I was looking through my pics to see if any were appropriate for the idea of Soulmates - and this is just that.

The sun here represents the Oneness of everything, the All, the entirety of all existence - The source energy from which all souls emerge from and return to.

The surrounding rainbow represents the paths we choose to take as individuals when we ’separate’ from this whole so that we may take part in this experience we call ‘life’.

However, our paths are always connected, and always revolve around that basic founding truth that 'separation' is just an illusion, and everything is one at it’s core.
