Spoken Word - 'What Lies Beneath'

After arriving today in Utopia in Guatemala after around 20 hours of travelling in the last 2 days, I felt a sense of peace when I arrived. My time so far has been quite hectic, in an amazing way, but it's not given me much time to chill. I've met so many amazing, beautiful people, and I'm so happy that I am here with new adventures and new souls awaiting me each and every day. Out of nowhere this little piece came out as I considered how important it is never to judge, to treat everybody equally, to give love unconditionally to every one, even if there's some resistance in you. When there is resistance I think perhaps it's especially important to break down those barriers and connect with the person in question. Much like books, most of our true identity is hidden in our subconscious, and the programs running there are what determine the bulk of our behaviour. You never know the back story... but all too often we assume we do and then treat people a specific way based on our own assumptions which are not backed by fact but driven by bias. So.. open up, and receive the gifts that every person you ever come across carries for you.. and don't forget to give those that you carry for them too ;)


'What Lies Beneath' -

You should never judge a book by its cover.
In fact, you should never really judge it by the content within -
Its between the lines,
In the unconscious mind,
Where the truth really begins.
Because -
You don't know when the words were written,
Or where they were conceived,
Or what lead to their creation,
What inspiration they received.
Or what past events had to occur,
Or what pain, hurt or suffering
Was previously incurred
That's resulted in the words you read.
So don't judge -
Even if you've read the book,
Maybe several times,
To understand it fully
You will need another look.
And even then there might be more
That rests below, just out of sight,
But you can help reveal the truth,
By giving them your light.

So shine your light on every page,
Release your love through every age,
Pick the lock on every cage,
And give your gifts from every stage.