The Light that cuts through the Dark.

It’s been a while since I felt inspired to write anything. Today, when I called out, I was answered instantly, and the answers I received form the basis for this post.

I had a difficult morning today. The ocean here in Taganga is so tranquil. When you sit close, the peace washes over you as the minuscule waves gently brush against the golden shore, the hypnotic sounds of the sea provide healing hands that seem to massage my whole being. Almost every morning since being here I’ve head straight down there upon waking to start my day off right. Today, upon deep reflection, I was inspired to write a new piece - an ode to a friend that showed me what it means to have true strength and maintain unconditional love in times of turbulance and dramatic, sudden, unexpected change.

When I returned to my room, and I began to write it, I was overcome with emotions as the words I wanted to say made their way on to my screen; something raw that had obviously been stored up and locked away inside me all this time. It was related to forgiving myself for actions in the past that lead to hurting someone I cared for and, although I thought I had forgiven myself a long time ago, it became apparent to me today that I hadn’t yet. The dam that had held for so long finally burst, and the flow rushed with intensity that rocked my whole being, but I was so thankful for the realization and the release at the same time.

But in these moments, I was pained deeply by events gone by - what seems like ancient history now... but this morning was as fresh in my mind as though it happened only yesterday. As the trapped tears flowed and I was lost in a moment of self-contempt, I tuned in to the song that ‘just so happened’ to be playing at that very moment through the speaker that lay next to my ear...

It was by Boards of Canada, and the track was entitled ‘The Color of the Fire’. It’s a very short and strange, mesmerizing, almost haunting yet infinitely warming and blissful track.. and in those seconds the echoing words that staple the track reverberated around the room…


As that last word bounced around the room I lay in, I hugged myself and thanked God for speaking to me so clearly in that moment I was calling for it most.

I know that it’s so important to be able to find Love for ourselves, in spite of all our flaws, mistakes, and imperfections, but most often this is not the ‘go-to’ response we tend to choose in these difficult moments.

It is indeed our ability to be imperfect that makes us perfect. I felt loved, cared for and supported by the universe who had timed that song so perfectly for me in that moment. I continued to let the torrent flow, only now in full awareness of the loving embrace of God to which I had been numb to just moments prior.

Those that know me know I am not religious in any way whatsoever… I just love the word God and what it means to me. In those moments, God was speaking to me through this track by Boards of Canada.

When I say God, I mean Me, and I mean You. I mean the speaker and the computer that were enabling me to listen to this incredible track through what once would have been considered as science fiction. I mean the air we breath and the sun that warms our skin. I mean the Earth we call home and the Water that makes up everything around us.

I mean the original source from which everything once came.

To me, God is everything that you can fathom and everything that you cannot.

It is The Everything.

Just moments later, I get a call from one of my most cherished friends back at home. He called to catch up, and spent most of the conversation telling me how much he loves me, what I’m doing and the stories I have shared through this blog. He said:

‘When you first left I wanted you to come back straight away, but after seeing what you’re doing and reading your blog, I now want to tell you to just keep on going... for as long as you possibly can’.

The healing embrace of God tightened around me as he spoke to me in real time from across the globe.

In this hour where I was feeling a lot of pain and was in need of some loving words of comfort and reassurance, my calls were answered within moments. I knew I was in the right place to heal the wounds I needed to heal in myself, and to continue helping others from all over the world to acknowledge and heal their own pains from past cuts too.

I choose to believe that the Universe is always working With Me, Through Me and For Me. Because of that, I experience it in this way.

When I hear words like ‘I Love You’ in a time of darkness from a song, I know it is the universe speaking to me so directly that I couldn’t miss it even if I tried.

‘I… Love…... YOU.'

So I wanted to write this, to remind anybody that reads it -

Never be afraid to call out for love, assistance, guidance or anything else you need whenever you need it. Regardless of who you are, what religion you follow, what colour your skin is and what gender you are. Regardless of what you have done, where you have been and the mistakes you may have made along the way…

You are never alone.

You are always loved.

You are always supported.

There is never a time when you are without the accepting embrace of this universe, which I often refer to as God.

Know that when you call, you will be answered.

It may be the next conversation you have, or the next phone call you get.

It may be found within the chance uttering of the next stranger you meet as you walk the morning streets.

It may be in the lyrics of the next song you hear.

It may be written on the pages of the book you next read.

It may simply be in the form of the calming, grounding serenity of the nature all around you.

It may be something as random and unnoticeable as a lost domino, with 2 particularly meaning full numbers on it, that you notice floating by your feet as you soak in the morning sea.

You just never know how you’re going to receive your answer.

There’s a million and more ways that the universe can use to give you what you need to move forward.

It will choose one that most suits who you are and how you communicate best.

But when you call…

Just remember to listen.

Or you just pass by the answers you seek.

^^ I don’t take my phone out with me in the mornings when I start my day, but this should give you an idea of the complete peace and serenity of this tiny beach in the beautiful Colombian costal town of Taganga. If you ever get the chance… come here and feel it for yourself ❤️