The Magnetism of One

I’m about to embark on an epic adventure with both Envision festival and Tribal Gathering both on the horizon. Since leaving the Quesada family in Alejuela, I went to San Jose to meet one of my oldest friends. This is the first and only time I had plans to meet a friend from back home whilst traveling. Whilst it was nice to see a familiar face, it made me realise just how much I relish being alone, working on my own time, having no agenda apart from the one I set, and making my own plans as I go, without having to consult with anyone but myself.

I was speaking with someone about it when I got to Dominical yesterday, the small beach town 10km from Uvita, the site for Envision festival. We were talking about traveling solo, and he brought up an interesting point -

Like attracts like - You bring in to your life what you put out, and what you desire to attract. However, when you are in a group, even if that’s only one other person, how is that magnetism affected? Could the energy of your group (your friends, family, co-workers) actually serve to push away those that you would normally attract because their energies at attracting something different? From traveling alone I have noticed the speed at which I am manifesting amazing new connections, key people, old friends, contacts and resources. However, I felt that slow considerably when I was with just 1 other person that I knew well. So… in a huge group, with a huge number of differing energies each seeking to attract something slightly different, I realise now that this reduces the strength of my energy to attract the absolute perfect people in to my life at that perfect moment.

I started to go to festivals alone this year in England, and soon realised that you make way more friends and family when you branch out by yourself. I was never going to meet any of these people sat on my arse in Staines… and if I had of come traveling with a friend, chances are I wouldn’t have met most of the incredible people I have met so far, because I would have been constrained to compromise on the activities I do, the route I take, the places I choose to stay, the people I talk to, and so on and so forth.

So… Just do it. Get out your comfort zone. Leave your friends and family. They will always be there for you if and when you choose to return, and with the internet it’s so easy to stay connected it’s like you’re not really separate.

In truth, distance is an illusion, we are always connected no matter how far away we may appear to be.

I think it’s important to be alone if you are on a mission to connect with the right people for you…

It’s not until you go alone that you will really meet all the people that you and you alone are destined to meet.

So now I actually am off into the Jungle for 3 weeks to dance, learn, teach, inspire, write, stretch, surf, tribe out and generally have it large with whatever new friends and family my energy will attract to me.

Just remember.
You are never really alone.

Love Always


So I didn’t have a photo for this… I thought I’d just take one of me…. Alone…. Loving Life and the richness of this very moment in which we are so privileged to be existing in right now! ❤️