Tulum Part 3 - Attack of the Face Raider

As my final few days in Tulum draw closer, I feel more than ever to make the most of my time there. I’m out the evening before I am supposed to leave. Tom has guest list to another party at a big venue not too far from my beach camp… When we get there, unfortunetely his attempted blag for a second guest list place doesn’t rub off, so at the door we part ways, and I head into town to chill in my favorite spots. I’m invited by Lee to a bar called Kiki’s that is kicking off around 11pm, so I have a few hours to kill.

On the street I run into Sophia, a lovely young girl I met at the Maceo Plex party. Since the party we’ve run into each other a few times. We decide to chill together and to go Batey’s to watch some more live music, which as always, was top quality.

Afterwards, we head to Kiki’s together with one of her friends too, who coincidently had also been planning on going there. Things are coming together.

When we get to the club, we are some of the first there.

There’s just one single solitary guy having it out on the dance floor. He inspires me. It can be hard to be the only one dancing in a room of people. But he was having the time of his life, so I got dancing and turned 1 into 2. Within 30 minutes, there’s about 8 or 9 people on the dance floor.

I lean over and say -

‘You started the dance floor with your energy man!’

He smiles and nods in agreement. Then carries on busting his moves.

Before long, Lee joins us and has brought some friends along. I get dancing properly. Before too long, Lee finds me on the dance floor…

‘Come with me. I have someone I’d like to introduce you to.’

That someone was an amazing British girl called Kate. He’d told me of her days previously when we met for coffee. They had met and chatted for 6 hours straight about deep, meaningful stuff, and it had become clear to them both they had a very similar outlook on life. Not surprising, as this is the law of attraction at work.

So I sit down and Kate and I chat for a long time. The conversation is elevating, electric and inspiring for us both. Turns out she is also into coaching, which is a subject I love to talk about.

As always, the connection was obvious and it was amazing to be introduced to another like-minded individual that I was able to talk to about some of the deeper things in life within minutes of meeting. I understood now why Lee had spoken so highly of the conversation they’d enjoyed together the first time they met! She had an amazing energy about her that was infectious and I really enjoyed her company. She is currently on her way to Bacalar and we both look forward to spending a few more hours together this evening before we both head in very different directions tomorrow. As always, everything is fully blessed.

At the same time, I introduce Lee to Tom, because somehow I knew they are supposed to meet. After their conversation, Tom comes up to me and says -

‘I see why you introduced me to that guy, he had something to say that I really needed to hear’.

I didn’t ask what. I didn’t need to know. I just knew he’d been given a gift by the connection I’d made, as I had been by the one Lee had made with Kate for me.

Not long after, Lee and Kate leave, as does Tom, and suddenly I am back by myself again.

I see a girl, wildly throwing her long dreaded hair around, clinging on to the front of the DJ booth, dancing ecstatically. I’m instantly pulled towards her, so I move closer and dance.

Straight away we make eye contact, and before long we are dancing together. Things get pretty hot and I’m having an awesome time. Then a blonde girl walks through the crowd, and out of nowhere she pushes me away as she grabs her, and they start kissing. I laugh, and continue dancing. I assume that she knows this girl and the other people the girl are with. They seem almost concerned for her, the kind of care that people take after their friends and people they know. This continued.

I was really attracted to this girl and this is quite unusual for me. She was obviously very intoxicated, totally wild and free, outrageous and overly flirtatious… with everyone; the kind of behavior I would normally not be attracted to… but for some reason, I was. I liked her open-ness, her wild dancing, and more than all I liked the pull that I felt toward her.

As it comes to the end of the night at Kiki’s, I start to realise just how battered she was. She claims to have lost her bumbag, and I spend the next 20 minutes helping her look through her bag to find it. At some point, it randomly appeared again, I’m still not sure where from. When we get outside the club, I realise she is from England, which was a nice surprise. At this point, we can still have a fairly coherent conversation. We go to the after party. It’s dull and empty. We escape the ‘friends’ she was with and I walk her back to her bike.

Another 20 minutes is spent looking for her key, which thankfully, she doesn’t have. She assumes she’s lost it. She lies on the pavement and almost passes out. At this point I start wondering what to do.

Where was her key?
Was this even her bike?
Did she even have a bike?!
Did she know where her hostel was?
Did she even have a hostel??!?

I couldn’t leave her, but by this point she was getting a little confused. She thought I was a strange man, so I realized perhaps she felt uncomfortable with me there.

We got walking. I decided I was unwanted there so said goodbye and began to ride away.

“Are you fucking me off?!" I heard her mutter to herself.

It was like dealing with a split personality. I knew I had to stay with her.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, eventually I managed to get her on the back of my bike, and she somehow managed to eventually remember where her hostel was. It was 6 blocks away, and she clung on all the way, holding on with her teeth as she slumped on my raggedy old bike seat.

Somehow, I made it to her hostel. Just before we parted ways, I remember to get her name so we can connect on Facebook. I’m so glad I did, because moments later she would have been gone.

On the way home I got lost and it took me about 45 minutes of cycling before I finally made it back at 6:30am.

Come 8:00am I wake up in my tent, fully clothed, hot and bothered. I strip and get into the sea. Everything is better.

When I add Karis on Facebook, I see we have a mutual friend - Suki Rae. Just a week or two ago this mutual friend was not a friend. She had posted on Facebook asking for information about traveling from Cancun downwards. Sian, a friend of mine, is her housemate, so she tagged me, and Suki and I exchanged a few messages.

Turns out that Suki is Karis’s sister, and is heading out to meet her in Mexico for a holiday. Who would have known I’d end up meeting her younger sister in Tulum just days after we become friends on Facebook… Weird huh? No… not really. It just means we need to connect for some reason. Anyway, I laugh, assuming Suki must be her sister as they look alike.

Karis calls at around 11:00am, sounding much more back to Earth. We chat and laugh and arrange to meet in town.

We then spent the rest of the day together. A friend of hers named Sam comes to meet us. It turns out when Sam had left her the night before they’d locked her bike up and Sam had taken the key… What a wise move. I already knew from this action I was gonna like Sam.

She sat and we got to know each other. Turns out Sam was seriously awesome. We went on a little mission, she wanted to send a post card to her boyfriend back home, I needed to rent a bike and pick some laundry up, and then we were gonna go to the beach together after collecting someone she knew from her hostel, an Australian guy named Max.

Together we rode to the beach and enjoyed a few beers. It was refreshing to see Karis in a normal state, and to know that her wild and fun nature was not solely a result of the alcohol consumed the night before. Though I think maybe her attraction to me and everyone else in the club perhaps was!

After the beach, we ate together at the same vegan restaurant I’d had breakfast at after the party days prior, and my friends from camp joined us. We then went and danced for 8 HOURS STRAIGHT together, and man... it was a real blast. The DJ was absolutely on top form, dropping banger after banger, and in between this incredible live band played, consisting of a Ukulele player, a Singer / Trombone Player, a Bassist and a Drummer. Together, the energy they created in the room that night was unreal. The sweat dripped as the time slipped by and before we knew it, we had been the first ones there and the last ones out - Not an unusual story for me or my new compadres.

Outside I talk more with Sam. She see’s the time and points out to me it’s 3:33 - We speak of sychronicities, of double digits, the meanings of numbers, and alignment with the universe.

At the same time Karis gets a message saying one of her best friends was about to give birth..

Karis, Sam and I hold our hands up together and touch palms…

‘We’re like best friends now aren’t we!’ Karis says…

It’s true. It really felt like that.

I was so grateful to have met Karis. A few years back I would have steered well clear of a girl like her. But, I’ve been getting better at limiting the judgements I make on people I don’t know, and because of this, our interaction begun, and lead to the creation of new connections and growth. Everybody you meet has a gift for you.

I’d booked myself into Karis’s hostel that night. Firstly because I enjoyed her company, secondly so that should we have a repeat of the night before, I wouldn’t be faced with a 45 minute cycle back after delivering her home. Luckily, she didn’t require an escort.

When we got back, we ended up lying on the concrete, ‘chatting breeze’ and ‘star gazing’ (there was about 4 stars on show that night but, still that felt better than being in bed.)

However my prejudices weren’t over. We were desperate for water, and a guy in his car offered to take us to the shop to get some. I refused the offer, feeling slightly uneasy. When I get to bed, I suddenly feel really bad for not trusting the guy. With everything that had happened with the recent shootings, I just felt it best not to jump into a car with a stranger at 5 in the morning. However, we spoke the next morning as I realise he is staying in our dorm too, and he was a really nice man. He understood my decision, and we had a nice chat, exchanging a few gifts of insight and wisdom.

The next day I head down to Bacalar for 3 nights, which I will write about in a separate post. But after Bacalar, I had 2 spare days to kill before heading to Guatemala. I woke up on the day of my check-out in Bacalar, scratching my head, not knowing what plan of action to take. It’s not long before I tune in to my heart and realise what I really want is to go back to Tulum and spend a final 2 nights there, to reconnect with the beautiful souls I met there… and to dance once more with Karis.

So this is what I do….