Whispers in the Wind

I’ve just landed in Playa del Carmen, and after a very interesting journey with a new friend, the first thing I wanted to do when I arrived at my new hostel was to write about it… after my free welcome shot of tequila of course 😀

Firstly, I am very thankful that I have left this trip as open as I have. Apart from Envision festival, I really have no desperate pre-planned agenda pulling me in any particular direction. Because of this, I am being guided to the places I need to be. One that has called me 3 times within 24 hours is a small place on the way to Chetumal called ‘Bacalar’.

When I was considering how to get from Cancun to Playa, the choices were between a Colectivo (A minibus) or a proper bus… I saw the Colectivo drive by and it looked cramped and hot… so I thought I’d treat myself to the actual coach by splashing out an extra 30 pesos (Just over £1… I think I can spare myself that 😉 )

As I’m waiting to board the coach I’m approached by an older man..

"You got a lighter Brother?"

I did… and within moments he was telling me of where he’d just been..

"You plan to go to Bacalar brother?"

"Well.. I hadn’t but your the third person to tell me to go so… I am now!!" (Of course, I’d never even heard of Bacalar until yesterday!)

He proceeded to tell me the name of the camp he stayed in and it’s owner…

The place and his experience sounded incredible. We boarded the bus together and spent the journey of just over an hour chatting.

He was a Vietnam Veteran, born and raised in California and had moved to Mexico in later life. After his service, he worked for Boeing in the aerospace industry…

"Really high tech shit Brother" was his description of what went on there… I’ve no doubt that this description is accurate.

Other than his life and the journey he’d been on with his 20 year old son, (Tripping together on LSD in one of the original birthplaces of the Mayans amongst 40+ other very intelligent people - scientists, doctors, engineers, musicians and artists etc - it sounds like the conversations they had together were on another level) We spoke of so much…

From camping and traveling, to war and warriors, to awakenings and realizations. We spoke of letting go. We spoke of the aftermath of the war and how all veterans were drugged with Pharmaceuticals to ’treat’ their PTSD, and how he has broken away from the zombified state that these drugs put you in.

We spoke of the Templars, the Masons, aliens, other dimensions, space travel, Mars, Martians, George Washington and the vision he was given of the future of America, and much more.

He told me of his visions whilst on LSD in Bacalar, and it was fascinating! He described a dome that he saw over the lagoon that was there to protect it. He told of falling stars and dancing planets reflecting in the water and the laughter of all around as they all shared stories and experiences from their lives around a fire, singing songs and connecting on a profound level that goes way beyond words.

He also told me about how he was haunted for many years in his dreams by the 3 people he killed in the war. Whenever he would get ill and have a high temperature, he would hallucinate them, and his body would be moved by their bullets hitting him in his chest and his back. Every time he dreamt... they came to his dreams… and with this, he could not find peace. But one day he found somebody who showed him a process that would allow him to apologize to the souls of the people he killed.. and since undergoing that process and having the chance to apologize (at which point he was in uncontrollable tears) he was able to release the emotional burden of the past and has never suffered any flash backs or hallucinations since.

In his own words, the guy was part of ‘The most badbass motherfuckers there were’.. Some sort of special operations in the military.. he showed me his membership card… it was actually made of gold! It had a skull with a green beret on it. He was right… it was "Badass shit brother!"

At a young age he had memories of past lives and always he had been a warrior in every age, from the Romans to Mayans and beyond. He now understands his place and his purpose, and that is to fight the forces of evil for the benefit of the good.

It was truly a beautiful experience to hear of this man's journey through life. He welcomed me to come and stay at his home with his wife and his son, who I’ve no doubt I would have gotten on with just as well. If I hadn’t of already booked 6 nights in this hostel (rookie error… never book so much time in one place in advance! You never know what other opportunities may present themselves in between… if you have other commitments, you may well miss out on something golden).

However when I finish here I would like to go and see him for a day so plan to visit him in his home before moving on to Tulum.

He had such a vibrant, ecstatic and invigorating energy… and he was 66! Still traveling, camping, tripping, learning and growing… What an inspiration!

So… Now I am left wondering… what is it that awaits me in Bacalar that the Universe so obviously wants me to receive? Whatever it is… I have no doubt that it is yet another beautiful gift from this amazing place we call Life…. And I am already grateful in advance for the treasures that anticipate my discovery there…. I will of course let you know when I get there! Lots to do in between then though...

To be continued!!

Above ^^ - Hiram A Garcia - Vietnam Veteran, Aeronautical Engineer, Out-of-the-box thinker, Sage, Inspirer, Explorer… Absolute Legend :^)

(PS - and so we have the third new friend I have met through smoking!)

To Bacalar and beyond!!!
